future of manufacturing

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Ray Hadley of 2GB dines with a manufacturing boss last night he tells us. Metals. Employs 400 semi-skilled workers.

    Said boss said that if Carbon Tax comes in, he will have to re-locate his whole operation offshore - most likely China.

    There go 400 jobs - of the semi-skilled - who have little prospects for re-employment.

    Some Sydney company .Very hush hush as to who and detail.

    But scary, and indicative of what's to come.

    (and if manufacturing collapses - who employs semi-literate, non english speaking asylum seekers - or their probably heavily robed wives?) Just as one example.
    Not racist or religious - just facts!

    When long domiciled formerly employed Aussies will be on the long dole queques? Manufacturing is already under pressure. This tax will be a killer.

    You people go into the voting booths with NO CARBON TAX promise - and the day after we get in - whoopee, there's a TAX! We were just kidding!

    But this tax is a good tax. Good for us - Labor says in Caucus -and our deficit problem. (Malaysian prisoners told caning is good for them too by Malaysian heavies perhaps?)

    (See they're now telling pensioners they'll get well comensated - so poor "stupid" pensioners are once more to be bought off with promises of Julia's manna from heaven - cynically - just to peg down the aged vote).

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