future of manufacturing, page-24

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Of necessity, this carbon-tax-cash-grab must create a massive new government department to:
    - assess the carbon-dioxide tax to be charged to each company,
    - verify the measures planned to be put into place to reduce carbon dioxide
    - ensure that the measure planned to reduce carbon-dioxide will be effective as stated by the company
    - ensure the timetable stated by the company is followed
    - ensure that the tax is collected and the accounting correct
    - calculate how each individual across Australia will be reimbursed
    - ensure that the individuals being reimbursed are following whatever policies are mandated to remain eligable to receive reimburesment
    and a mass of other chores too numerous to mention.

    Think and massively intrusive and in your face and on your premises centerlink with very, very sharp teeth but multiply its size by maybe 3 or 4, maybe even 10 or 20.

    A government department this size forms a massive voting block dependent on the continuation of the government expansion of the carbon-tax-cash-grab.

    It is a similar strategy to that used in the UK with the national health service which even Margret Thatcher put in the "too-hard-to-dismantle" basket.

    The health service in the UK is the second largest employer in the world, just behind the Indian railways.

    It size and voting muscle reduces most elections down to a simple question...
    Who will provide the best bribe for the national health system?

    except of course after years and years of grossly incompetent and unpopular government when a change is desired so strongly that is can happen

    Once this massive new and intrusive government department is put in place it will be very hard to unwind, similar to attempting to dissolve the KGB.... it takes a french-revolution style event to make it possible

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