entitled to your opinion, but to my mind, anyone who still has...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    entitled to your opinion, but to my mind, anyone who still has the guts to employ 400 semi-skilled people in today's world "climate" needs all the encouragement he/she can get.

    Trying to pass off a New Huge Tax impost as some sort of
    I feel good and rosy about myself "reform" is the ultimate in political cons. Repeat after me - IT IS A TAX!

    Wondering whether or not you can come up with next week's pay cash flow wise for hard working staff is a nightmare I have experienced.

    On the large scale of providing support for 400 souls and their families, it must be gut wrenching.

    However much you try to explaoin it away intellectually or statstically people are in business to make a profit. If the business is sold - the new owners will look for increased bottom line to justify btheir investment - this is JUST a huge new tax, implemented on the back of false and scientificlly flawed theories, an impost on what is a natural and vital earth saving gas - the invisible Carbon Dioxide.

    I'd like to hear Stephen Hawking weigh into the argument.
    But then, he's an elite scientist - the opinion of non-climate scientists whose speciality is in some other discipline - geology - dinosaurs - economy, etc.

    But we're just idiots - Garnaut speaks from on high - "I am of the economically literate".

    And then there is the NBN. Seems to have gone off the radar.

    But that will be a $ blowout to outshine all blowouts!
    To say nothing of the rorts to come! What, to make Stephen Conroy feel vindicated? Blanket indemnities for directors - so we the taxpayers will cop the lot when it hits the financial fan?

    Seems egotistic idiots are running riot - posturing to the Marxist tune.

    Financial madmen always in a hurry to cash other people's cheques. All for the own glory - yet again, voters not consulted. What would we know, after all.

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