CCM 0.00% 5.5¢ cadoux limited

FYI - charts/technical analysis, page-554

  1. 268 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    A month where markets and small caps. in particular have endured a punishing sell off. Interesting how Carl writes off FYI without considering any of the fundamentals. In order for his conclusion to be true, Alcoa would need to walk away from the Project. I don't know how anyone can accurately assess (verses guessing) the future prospects of a Company by only using technical analysis and completely ignoring the fundamentals.

    I understand your need to vent, and rest assured we are all here to support you through this difficult time in your investment journey.
    Five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. I'm thinking you're still in 'anger', so I assume that means there are more negative posts to follow. I suspect you'll never get to 'acceptance', because that would constitute taking responsibility for your own investment decisions, and if you'd done that you wouldn't be still whining on this board.
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