"...the apathy and stupidity of the australian public the...

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    "...the apathy and stupidity of the australian public the majority of which have a five minute attention span." seer

    So you do you believe that most Australians aren't even as clever as you are seer? Are you sure you aren't elevating yourself to heights where you may not belong?.....lol.

    Just curious?

    Crikey...........you hold your fellow Australians in low regard.....LOL.

    Cracks me up how those on the far right believe that their far right wing political bias elevates them automatically to some sort of superior intellectual standard, when clearly, it doesn't.

    My observation from business and from serving in local government as a councillor, is that the further people are to the right in their political beliefs, the more simplistic they are in their thinking, and the more difficult they find comprehension of data.

    Hence you have this sort of thing where someone with obviously little understanding, telling us that AGW is ridiculous because plants use CO2....that sort of thing. It's an amazing phenomenon. Scientists would never realise that plants use CO2. Quick someone ring them and tell them.

    In the meantime seer, it's strange that politics means so much to you if you have such disrespect for your fellow Australians?

    Are you a monarchist? Just curious.....
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