they didnt have to prove anything , it was a Senate hearing...

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    they didnt have to prove anything , it was a Senate hearing committee, not a trial, and blowhard Galloway turned up to give them a spray.

    All the evidence hasnt been collated or presented yet..and apparently hes already likely perjured himself on one point,..itll be interesting times when this slime is brought down by his own puffed up ego.
    Galloway said to the Senate, under oath, today that the Mariam Appeal's finances had been investigated by the Charity Commission he said that they had looked at "every penny in and every penny out" and cleared the Appeal.

    Apparently the books havent been provided .

    In 1983 Galloway became General Secretary of the charity War On Want, which had strong Labour Party connections (it had been founded by Harold Wilson). He increased its income sevenfold in three years, but faced accusations of misuse of his expenses account, which was £21,000 in 1985-86, to stay in luxury hotels when on foreign trips. He paid back £1,720 after an audit identified a lack of controls, but was cleared of any dishonesty. War On Want was found to have been insolvent, and subsequently dismissed all its staff and went into administration. It was rescued and relaunched in 1991.

    In 2000 he married Dr. Amireh Abu-Zayyad, a Muslim Palestinian academic. She is currently in the process of filing for divorce, after allegations that Galloway has been unfaithful throughout the relationship.

    (Galloway is Yasser Arafats nephew by marraige...lolol)

    A year after the reselection a mysterious advert appeared in the Labour movement magazine Tribune headed "Lost: MP who answers to the name of George", "balding and has been nicknamed gorgeous", claiming that the lost MP had been seen in Romania but had not been to a constituency meeting for a year. A telephone number was given which turned out to be for the Groucho Club in London, from which Galloway had been blackballed. Galloway threatened legal action and pointed out he had been to five constituency meetings

    In an interview with the Guardian, Galloway outlined his political views in relation to the Soviet Union:

    "I am on the anti-imperialist left." The Stalinist left? "I wouldn't define it that way because of the pejoratives loaded around it; that would be making a rod for your own back. If you are asking did I support the Soviet Union, yes I did. Yes, I did support the Soviet Union, and I think the disappearance of the Soviet Union is the biggest catastrophe of my life.


    Galloway: " I don't think many readers of The Independent on Sunday – consider Castro or Guevara a rogue. These people are heroes."
    He’s the most magnificent human being I’ve ever met."


    In 1994, he met Saddam Hussein and was
    filmed saying to Saddam Hussein "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability".

    including in a report in October by U.S. arms inspector Charles Duelfer, as well as the various presumed forgeries described earlier in this section. But Coleman's report provided several new details. It also included information from interviews with former high-ranking officials now in U.S. custody, including former Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz and former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan. Among the claims is that there is new evidence to suggest that a children's leukemia charity founded by Galloway was in fact used to conceal oil payments. The report cites Ramadan as saying in an interview that Galloway was allocated oil "because of his opinions about Iraq."

    Galloway has been involved in several publishing companies. He owned Asian Voice, which published a newspaper called East from 1996. An investigation by BBC Newsnight found that Galloway had secured payments of £60,000 and £135,000 from the Pakistani governments of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. Galloway insisted this was for advertising space and bulk copies, but Newsnight alleged that it was for favourable coverage of Pakistan. He is currently one of two Directors of Finjan Ltd.; the other Director is his former wife

    Parliamentary participation statistics
    According to, as of May 6th, 2005, George Galloway had:

    spoken in 0 debates in the last year — tied for last, out of 659 MPs.
    Asked 0 written questions in the last year — in a large multi-way tie for last, out of 659 MPs.
    attended 3% of votes in parliament — 649th out of 657 MPs.
    In the 1997–2001 parliament Galloway voted against the majority of his party in 5 votes out of 665 (0.8%), and in the following parliament prior to his expulsion did so in 27 votes out of 209 (12.9%).

    I believe he spent more time campaigning for his recent parliamentary win in Bangladesh than is his future a shonk ...and the dumb mugs put him in parliament.

    George Galloway, champion of the worker, just wont work himself if it means he cant smoke cuban cigars at work or because the dirt might soil his silk shirts.

    No doubt about the left, theyre attracted to scumsucking carpetbaggers and tyrants like flies to rotting meat.
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