Gambling reform

  1. 46,401 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    so theres a lot of evidence from studies on the cost of gambling. we Aussies as a nation have a oft reported leadership for gambling. ahead of the US, and all other parts of the world.

    what is it that sets Aus apart from other nations? are we truly a land of mug punters? after all gambling cost each and every one of us $1600pa/pp (LINK)..... this is based on the Grattan Institute report released today (LINO) which advocates strongly for a complete ban on gambling advertising among other measures.

    the gambling industry has always been a powerful lobby. remember Russ Hinze the Qld minister for gambling? sure the worst example but he was really not such an aberrant person; just too sure of his own security/impunity. but you get the drift, the nation has a history of being run by some mob(s) or another. corruption doesn't always get outed.

    so the gambling apps prey on young fellers in groups of four. this ensures that the weakest link, the biggest loser, has the controlling say over whether they should quit as a team or not. the psychology is very clear, no bs.

    should this be allowed to continue more young fellers will develop habits that could result in increased risk of domestic quarrels and bucket loads of guilt crushing the feller's brain. end result of this developing scenario is rarely good and never pretty.

    who yeh, I'm pro-gambling reform. the links are worth a read.
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