Game Over, page-5

  1. 10,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    "The US is on its way to becoming another Venezuela. I think we all are probably. The whole western world is running on ludicrous Ponzi finance and pipe dreams.
    We’ve all become too big to fail, even as it’s more and more obvious we’ve failed and that the widening cracks are just being papered over with more and more freshly created ‘money’."

    It's not so hard to understand really . Capitalism dragged humankind out of fuedalism and gave an enormous impetus to science, democracy, technology and built a colossal world economy and dragged billions out of poverty, etc etc yadah yadah yadah.

    But capitalism contains two contradictions which it cannot resolve peacefully.

    First is the contradiction between the global nature of production the world economy,- versus - the division of the world into competing nation states.
    Which forces the capitalist class of the major powers into trade war blocks and eventually to world war, over which major power will dominate the world economy.

    Second contradiction is between nation state based private ownership of production for profit, versus the social collaborative labor of billions of workers spread all over the world.

    These are the two problems which are the source of all the problems and crisis which humanity confronts. Capitalists try to solve the contradictions through fascism and war.
    But history always provides a progressive solution to contradictions and crisis, otherwise we would never have gotten to capitalism in the first place.
    The international working class can resolve these two contradictions by seizing the means of production and organising production of everything on a world scale based on need, not profit.

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