Gamestop (GME) was the precursor - SILVER (Ag) is the "KILL SHOT", page-4

  1. 13,414 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2518
    Jeff Currie and Jeff Christian have stopped scoffing at the Wall Street Silver Movement. Why? Because it's working, impacting at the margins of paper silver versus physical silver supply.

    Every two ounces of physical silver taken off the market forces the removal from circulation of a 1,000 ounce bar. LEVERAGE WORKS BOTH WAYS. The paper to physical silver ratio has been mathematically calculated at 500:1 (a fact actually confirmed by CPM's Jeff Christian himself in 2014).

    The scale of the Wall Street Silver movement methods have been grossly under-estimated. The ARMY of unleveraged physical buyers doing the exact opposite of the COMEX shorts, and buying physical silver heavily in the dips, will force the wholesale price of silver to rise.

    This clip includes a fantastic visual analogy at 16:15 to explain the problem with unallocated silver by comparison to the paper sale of motor cars.
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