Gaming computers: Prices V Quality

  1. 29,976 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    my son is saving up for one and I know nothing about everything, when it comes to this arena.

    Apparently it has to have double of everything that a normal laptop has, a particular data doverwhacky whatever to handle all the info to make the gaming flow smoothly ( see, I said I know diddly about them).

    The one he covets is a laptop and it’s just under $1500, what I would like to find out, is this a reasonable price for a gaming specific computer?

    I’m hoping to read a few replies from some posters, with a gaming background, along with the offers of advice from those who may draw from a broader understanding of computers
    My thoughts on it are, he’s aiming for the maximum he thinks he can get us to agree too, about 200% more than he has in savings, floating the old chestnut that we put in the 2/3rds of cash that he doesn’t have and he sacrifices his Christmas money ( once) and then we forget the rest of his outstanding debt.
    Winner Winner
    Chicken Dinner

    And all the extra jobs he said he would do cannot be done because he’s too busy gaming

    PS Don’t get me wrong, kids today aren’t any different to any of us when we were kids!
    We all played the odds, against our parents, in some way, shape or form and the fact is, it’s a life skill we all need to practice when we are young.
    Porky Pies 101
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