A Frenchman who clears the beaches of the tiny island where a...

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    A Frenchman who clears the beaches of the tiny island where a piece of debris suspected to have come from missing Malaysian Airline flight MH370 was found this week says he found and destroyed several items that may have come from the plane earlier this year.
    Reunion Island local Nicholas Ferrier said he burned a blue seat and several pieces of luggage that could have come from the aircraft, thinking they were insignificant pieces of trash.
    "I found a couple of suitcases too, around the same time, full of things," Mr Ferrier told The Sunday Telegraph.

    "I burnt them. That's my job. I collect rubbish, and burn it.
    "I could have found many things that belonged to the plane, and burnt them, without realising. Like the seat," he said.
    Mr Ferrier, said his wife was the only other person who knew about the blue seat, which he spotted roughly three months ago.
    "It wasn't until Wednesday that it hit me what it could have been," Mr Ferrier said.
    "It was probably part of that plane."
    He also claimed to have seen the piece of wing – reportedly a component unique to Boeing called a flaperon – in early May, a contention backed up by another local who said she saw the barnacle-encrusted piece of debris while on a stroll with her young son.
    "It was the beginning of the holidays - around May 10," the woman, named only as "Isabelle" told Zinfos974.com.
    "I was walking with my son, Krishna. Then from a rock on which we were standing, he saw an object and shouted, 'mum, that looks like the wing of a plane!'"
    Mr Ferrier said he actually saw the flaperon around the same time, though rather than questioning its origin, he found a practical use for what may be the key to solving the MH370 mystery.
    "I sat on it. I was fishing for macabi (bonefish) and used it as a table. I really didn’t pay it much attention – until I saw it on the news."
    The flaperon is now in Paris for analysis; it is hoped that a serial number or data tag will reveal whether or not it belonged to the doomed Boeing 777, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board.
    Don't be too hard on him. Probably never been on a plane. Nobody thought to inform island beach cleaners in the Indian and Pacific oceans to keep an eye out - duh! It seems so obvious!

    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2015/...ed-suspected-mh370-debris#ZetJAdIqjBcjhmFR.99
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