Gardasil vaccine damage in Australia, page-53

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    you get my point though don't you?
    I have two friends who are doctors, one a GP, and one currently working in Brisbane's largest hospital A&E department.
    I won't bother you with their comments... suffice to say though that they generally concur with me about how up to date it's possible to be with all the information coming in the door. And have you seen that 'insert' provided for these vaccines? a huge sheet of tiny print full of exclusions and 'warnings' that no busy GP is ever going to have the time to fully digest even if it happenened to be in their field of interest.

    Remember Thalidomide? that was a scandal which never should have happened when it was already known to cause neural tube damage and required further research to determine its safety - but no, it was pushed into the market onto unknowing patients whose children suffered the consequences. Ironically it was the US who banned the drug from the outset so not a single case of birth deformity in the US. The situation there is now dramatically different with the rise of the power of big pharma and their corruption of politicians, the media, the medical authorities etc. And by the way, in case posters are unaware, the CDC the central watchdog for disease control is NOT a government organisation, it is a private organisation with powerful links to big pharma. So much for the watchdog if the interests of big pharma clash with the health of the population....

    and Merck do not have the cleanest of reputations either, they have paid out huge sums to injured patients across many of their products and were even fined for one abomination. And what about the legislation which allows US drug companies to knowingly sell harmful products without fear of prosecution? what sane society allows such things?

    if you wish to trust big pharma and out of touch medical 'experts' about Gardasil then that is your choice, but there have been far too many reports of Gardasil injury to ignore - especially considering it's a near worthless vaccine in the first place according to the many very qualified mediacal experts who have spoken out about it. Do you think they would risk their reputations and careers if there were nothing to the Gardasil issue? Why has Gardasil been a particular issue of note among the thousands of drugs and vaccines available -did they all decide to gang up on Gardasil for no reason?

    you really need to wake up.
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