exactly sailorgirl.There must be captains of industry who lead...

  1. 4,442 Posts.
    exactly sailorgirl.
    There must be captains of industry who lead and provide the capital the productive opportunities for the workers.
    This capitalistic economy which has served us so well, under good economic stewardship, must thrive to be able to provide a sufficient level of taxation revenue to give society the ability to have the neccessary infrastructure.
    Only a governmnent of sound economic ability can go close to guaranteeing Australians of sufficient services such as medical, education, security, policing, transport, etc.
    The Liberal government lead by John Howard has been a very capable economic manager of our wealth, so why would anyone risk any alternative?
    For those who show a batant hatred for the current government and continuously accuse John Howard of lies and deceit, please give credit where credit is due.
    For the sake f your future, and that of your children,put aside your false perceptions, many of them media indoctrinated, and vote for the only team that can effectively and efficiently manage a $1trillion economy.
    Only the Liberal government has the expertise to provide the social benefits we all demand and a maintainence of a high Australian standard of living.
    Under the current government there are opportunities and protections for anyone who really wants to work.
    The alternative goverment is sadly lacking in credibility as they continue to wallow in their "us too" ---"follow the leader" copy cat policies, particularly now Garrett has admitted that because they have no policies of their own (after 11.5yrs) they will utilise the Libs policies UNTIL they are elected!!
    THEN, LOOK OUT!!!!
    Danger signs ahead if they are elected.
    I've personally never felt as strongly about an election before.
    We can not afford to throw the baby out with the bathwater and allow a disfunctional group of union dominated buffoons to usurp the power of Governement of this great country!!!!
    This I believe!!!!
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