Did we need Garrett to tell us he is dumb. That was always...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Did we need Garrett to tell us he is dumb.
    That was always self-evident.

    If he was any sort of true politician - with the courage of his convictions - he would have been with the Greens - or have been standing as an Independent!

    No, he's a real smart a++se - and I bet he meant what he said the other day - had to shoot his mouth off self-inportantly - he's so full of himself!

    "when we're in that'll all be changed!!" How arrogant - and how frightening!!

    Can you imagine anyone with an ounce of nous saying that to someone as savagely "On the ball" as Steve Price!!

    Not - Garrett's always been a self important strutter - (wore a politicla slogan T shirt at the closing ceremong of the Sydney Olympics - disgraceful!!) and this was the actualy predictive truth coming off right the top of his bald pated head -

    Just WHAT - we should all ask ourselves - ARE they going to change after the event???? Has anyone really grilled him - or scrtuines him. Easy to laugh it off as a joke. Some joke. MOst of us actually speak the real truth in our most unguarded moments.

    They WILL be a monopoly after all!! All States - AND Federal. It will be a virtual Labor dictatorship! And you bet they'll extend their term to four years very very early in the piece!! So there won't be a darn thing anyone can do about it once the pennies start to drop as to how awful they really are (as Garrett has forewarned us via this gaffe!)

    They can do a lot of damage in the space of four years!

    And was there EVER a monopoly which was beneficial??

    I see him - and the prospect of such a monopoly, as two very loose, dangerous cannons.

    With him on the front bench - and others equally inept and inexperienced and loose mouthed, (and similarly arrogant and devious) heaven help us!!
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