Gay Judge speaks out., page-49

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    'The intolerance of the majority, by the queers, is what gets my goat.;

    And here is a glaring example:
    Rodney Croome "must apologise to the Catholic Church" over marriage smear

    Re: Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination case over same-sex ‘marriage’

    "Australian Marriage Equality’s director, Rodney Croome, must apologise to the Catholic Church for misrepresenting their Don’t Mess with Marriage booklet on ABC radio," according to Dr David van Gend, President of the Australian Marriage Forum.

    Tasmanian transgender Green, Martine Delaney (pictured above), yesterday lodged an anti-discrimination complaint against the Archbishop of Tasmania, Julian Porteous, for distributing a booklet entitled Don’t Mess with Marriage, teaching Catholic doctrine on marriage to students of Catholic schools.
    The director of Australian Marriage Equality, Rodney Croome, called for people to complain about the booklet in an AME media release in June:
    “I urge everyone who finds [the Catholic booklet] offensive and inappropriate, including teachers, parents and students, to complain to the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner.”
    “This vexatious complaint achieves the PR goal of falsely smearing defenders of natural marriage as ‘hateful’ and trying to silence one side of this important public debate”, said Dr David van Gend, president of the Australian Marriage Forum.

    “The main offender in this unworthy episode is Rodney Croome of Australian Marriage Equality, who not only rabble-roused for people to lodge complaints about this booklet but then made an inflammatory claim on ABC radio about what was in the booklet.

    “In a debate I had with Mr Croome on ABC Radio Hobart, 30 August, he made a false and misleading statement about what the Catholic booklet says, and when corrected he did not apologise or retract”, Dr van Gend said.
    "Now that this matter has been formally lodged with the Tasmanian anti-discrimination commissioner, the media should hold Mr Croome to account for this fabricated smear and require him to correct the public record", Dr van Gend said today.

    In explaining why he wanted Archbishop Porteous taken to the anti-discrimination commission, Mr Croome accused the Catholic booklet of saying that homosexual people “are a grave threat to others”. (audio at 31.40)
    Dr van Gend replied to Mr Croome:
    "I've read that booklet and nowhere does it say that homosexuals are a grave threat to others. That is simply false; it's not in the booklet. So that’s not fair.” (audio at 32.35)."

    It is exceedingly clear that the promoters of homosexuality represent the modern version of intolerant Fascism.
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