Why don't the homosexuals and lesbians just leave us alone! We...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Why don't the homosexuals and lesbians just leave us alone! We leave them alone!

    One thing is for certain...they ain't gay! Not using the true original meaning of the word.

    They have already lobbied the Government and had their "relationships" recognised, and if they do qualify as a "couple", they can raid each other's Super, have their grievances heard in the Family Court, and be next of kin should one die.

    I mean does the 3% of the population that profess to be among this group really think the political parties care? It is all about popularity votes...KRudd changed his view in a nanosecond because I am sure he thought he could grab an extra vote or two!

    From what I have been taught and the way I was bought up, a person does not have to be "married" to some one to show their love care and devotion. In fact I believe to stay at another's side through think & thin and show all these qualities for life without a bit of paper to show around shows a far stronger commitment anyway.

    The old adage of marrying to make an "honest girl out of her" will never apply to two hairy blokes!

    To be in a de facto relationship, you must be living together as a couple. This means that friends or flatmates who live together are not considered de factos.

    In 2008, the Australian Government introduced reforms to ensure that same-sex de facto couples are entitled to the same benefits and subject to the same obligations as opposite-sex couples. Many of these changes will apply to couples who are ‘de facto partners’.

    To determine whether you are living together ‘as a couple’, all the circumstances of your relationship will be taken into account, including any or all of the following circumstances:

    the length of the relationship;
    whether you live together;
    whether a sexual relationship exists;
    the degree of financial dependence or interdependence;
    the ownership, use and acquisition of property;
    the degree of mutual commitment to a shared life;
    the care and support of children; and
    whether your friends and family consider you to be a couple.
    It is not necessary for any one of these factors to be found in order to determine whether two people have a relationship as a couple

    Personally I don't give a continental what these so called "gay" people do, but why should normal heterosexual couples and their children be bombarded with this rubbish of "equality" every day. Their annual "Mardi Gras" which clogs various streets of Sydney every year while these gender confused individuals prance around in outrageous and skimpy outfits drawing attention to themselves is pathetic imo.

    That ridiculous display is all the more reason they should not be allowed to take away our marriage word to describe their own unions. Go away, find another word...

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