gay marriage, page-29

  1. 3,479 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    Here goes...

    This is my point of view. I have not meant to offend anyone and if I have been misconstrued or have been offensive, I apologise in advance.

    I'm 40+ and have been brought up old school. My father instilled values in me whether wrong or not, makes me who I am today.

    My dad was racist (not in an over the top kind of way - vietnam has that affect on you) and anti gay (being gay was wrong and of course illegal).

    It took me quite some time to brush off my preconceived ideas and even though I had multicultural friends (and probably some friends that were gay (coming out wasn't in back then)), I still found it easy to stereo type and be offensive in general to the "non white and non heterosexuals", however I find it funny that I didn't treat my friends any differently because of my views.

    However making a long story short enough to be read without becoming boring:-

    I have adapted to change quite significantly. I suppose being bombarded with the immigration thingy, an explosion of foreigners in Australia and the regular "coming out" of all and sundry, including many, many famous personalities has helped me to adapt to the 21st century.

    Listen guys, if us stalwarts couldn't adapt, none of us would be using a computer...

    My friend is the mother of the guy that got proposed to at the Kylie Minogue concert and the "union" is this year up north... This was sort of my first foray into knowing someone that was gay. As I said, I have adapted to change and feel that even though I don't condone it personally (I am entitled to my opinions) I have accepted it as a progression of humans evolving and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it. Therefore I accept it, respect them, do not treat them differently. And eventually we will see lawful "marriage" between homosexuals...

    So be it.... Nothing I can do to stop it, even if I wanted to...

    I understand being gay used to be a gene thing (chromosome disfunction (for want of a better word), and can not be helped... However for some reason it has now become an in thing for some people to do (Really I'm specifically talking about bi-sexual or saying you think your gay which is probably a seperate kettle of fish). It has become a thing to do, much like tattoos, piercings etc. No disrespect to the homosexual community... One really needs to ask... Ask you really gay, or do you just think you are? Is there something you are after that the opposite sex just can give you?

    I'm sure the last paragraph undoes all the neutral arguments I made throughout this post, to which I once again apologise.

    My thoughts. Sorry for waffling on...
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