"If same sex unions are to be also called marriage then I will...

  1. 2,320 Posts.

    "If same sex unions are to be also called marriage then I will no longer be able to say that I am married as will many others. On forms that I have to fill in, I will be obliged to deny that I am married"

    Get over yourself Trendtrading! Why on earth would you have to say you are no longer married!?!? Your post doesn't even make sense. I better not call myself human as gay people are also called humans...

    Gees if it was up to you we would all still be speaking Latin! Or even cave man grunts.

    Noone even knows the origin of marriage - it pre-dates recorded history. All we know is it is based on a concept of a long term union between two or more people (yes many cultures accept marriage with several partners at once).

    You are talking about your own western definition of marriage - which has its roots in Christianity. If you are going to stick with that then only practicing Christians should be allowed to marry in Australia LOL at you and your homophobic views vieled behind a pretence of protecting language.

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