gaza, now this is serious, page-129

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    Hi AuCu ... I am not an expert and there are many interpretations as to where the conflict started.

    All however are united in the view that the conflict is the result of Islamic radical fundamentalism at it's core.

    Now you could argue that the beginnings were at the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire beginning with a British led Arab revolt led by Lawrence of Arabia. The British promised to support Arab Independence if they revolted against the Ottomans but there was disagreement as to what that meant.

    UK, France and Russia divided up the area in ways unfavourable to the Arabs under the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement and further confusing the issue was the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised support for a Jewish "national home" in Palestine. The final division occuring under the San Remo Conference in 1920 creating the British Mandate of Palestine.

    In 1902, Arabia is controlled by Ibn Saud who institutes radical fundamentalist Wahhabi Islam.

    In 1920, Saudi Arabia discovers its enormous oil reserve and starts to do business with the non-Islamic Western countries, America in particular. Saudi oil becomes central to fueling industrial revolution. The Saud family becomes immensely rich overnight.

    In 1927, Wahhabi extremists revolt against Saudi regime because of dealings with West. Rebellion is crushed. Extremists relocate in Egypt. Muslim Brotherhood is founded and pronounces Jihad against the West and the Jews: the Arab World, which includes Palestine, must be free of any non-Islamic faith.

    In 1933, Hitler’s vision of ethnic cleansing of non-Aryans becomes appealing to the Wahhabis of the Muslim Brotherhood. The West and the Jews is the common enemy. Muslim Brotherhood acquires Hitler’s methods of genocide to rid the Arab world of its non-Muslims. MB is led by Amin Al-Husseini who spends WWII in Germany at Hitler’s side. He establishes Muslim Nazi troops and becomes heavily involved in the genocide of Jews, Gypsies and Serbs.

    In 1945, Husseini flees to Egypt. He is wanted for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated during WWII. He works with ODESSA providing safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab lands.

    In 1947, the UN bungles Partition Plan for Palestine (Resolution 181) creating a two state solution for a Jewish and Arab state.

    Yasser Arafat is born in Cairo in 1929. In 1948, Arafat joins Muslim Brotherhood who as a teenager was involved in smuggling arms to be used against the British. He later worked in support of the Arabs and studying guerrilla tactics against the newly formed Israel.

    Arafat becomes the architect of the Palestinian National Myth and for the next 50 years the leader of his Fatah movement as the PLO terrorist organisation that succeeded in bombing and murdering it's way to statehood.

    Cheers ... tight stops.

    This is only my view ... read the black stuff.
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