Gaza refugees?..., page-75

  1. 48,838 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    yes interesting govr..... yet of course those who weren't Jewish would tell the story very differently.

    the history of how gods developed and how sects such as Judaism became popular and gain converts is a story told in many languages. from earliest times when they hid terrified by the god who brought the terrible white flashes then roared enough to break ones ears, and discovered how rain from the storm caused the seed grasses to grow at a time when the ewes were giving birth to when the 3 gods became one. people with no knowledge of ions floating around in clouds of minuscule water droplets and seeds germinating sought an explanation that they could relate to. and as humans, we anthropomorphise such a fertile and power and loud being as something far greater than themselves. allowing us then to hope that one day we might become powerful, blindingly bright and intolerably loud too. maybe if we're good the good god will let us be with her/him.

    and so strange that the same concepts, the same drive to deify human power, happened all around the world. ever one in a different language.

    yes, fascinating stuff.
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