Gender on Birth Certificates optional, page-57

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    Case in point.


    Thousands of transgenders who drastically altered their physical attributes in an attempt to become the opposite sex are now having buyers’ remorse, according to one of the world’s top genital reconstructive surgeons.

    So-called “sex change regret,” says Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic, also a professor, is now reaching epic proportions, as many of those who were sold a bill of goods about “becoming themselves” are coming to the shocking realization that mutilating their sexual organs and dressing in the stereotypical garb of the opposite gender isn’t the cure for their gender dysphoria.

    Speaking to Canada’s National Post, Dr. Djordjevic explained how he typically performs some 100 “gender reassignment” surgeries every year. But he’s now seeing many of these same patients coming back to him, begging to be “changed back” to what they were at birth – only to come to the stark realization that it’s not that simple.

    “Those wishing the reversal have spoken to [me] about crippling levels of depression following their transition, and in some cases even contemplated suicide,” he says, noting that “reversing” back to one’s birth sex is both expensive and painful.

    “It can be a real disaster to hear these stories,” he adds, explaining that many such stories go unnoticed because of the “potentially politically incorrect” nature of bringing them up in today’s climate of total gender madness.

    Keep in mind that Dr. Djordjevic is one of the few gender reassignment surgeons who isn’t necessarily in it for the money or for political reasons. He says he’s very selective in who he performs surgery on, requiring from each accepted patient an extensive psychiatric evaluation, at least one year of supervised therapy, at least two letters of recommendation from third parties, and a strict post-surgical schedule of follow-up appointments.

    It’s not something he takes lightly, in other words. And this is reflected in his deep concern for the phenomenon he’s now seeing of transgenders coming back to him asking for help to “go back,” wishing they had never fallen for the lie that physical mutilation is the answer to mental illness.

    Dr. Djordjevic’s deep concern for the fate of transgenders with buyers’ remorse inspired psychotherapist James Caspian to try to publish a paper on the subject of “de-transitioning.” But after submitting his paper to Bath Spa University in the U.K., the university rejected it, just like it has other “politically incorrect” science, citing “ethical concerns.”

    “[After] submitting the more detailed proposal to Bath Spa, [Caspian] discovered he had been referred to the university ethics committee, which rejected it over fears of criticism that might be directed towards the university,” reported the National Post, adding that Bath Spa was scared of the “powerful transgender lobby” and how it might respond to the paper.

    But Dr. Djordjevic is more concerned about those who are suffering as a result of trying to change their genders. Real people, he says, are being left in the cold without answers or solutions, and some of them are suffering from extreme psychological harm that could potentially lead them to try to take their own lives.

    “Definitely reversal surgery and regret in transgender persons is one of the very hot topics,” he told the media. “Generally, we have to support all research in this field.”

    Dr. Djordjevic is also concerned about the more unscrupulous element within his field that isn’t even trying to determine whether or not people asking for gender reassignment surgeries truly know what they’re asking for, including the many long-term and irreversible consequences.

    “I have heard stories of people visiting surgeries who only checked if they had the money to pay,” says Dr. Djordjevic. “We have to stop this. As a community, we have to make very strong rules: Nobody who wants to make this type of surgery or just make money can be allowed to do so.”

    And presumably this was done to consenting adults of their own 'free' will, what horrors await innocent young kids who's brain-dead parents to it to them?

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