AGY 1.72% 2.9¢ argosy minerals limited

General Comments & Banter, page-13841

  1. 204 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51

    I should probably explain what I meant by 'tough times' - I meant in terms of SP. I don't think a change in government will impede AGY long term, but it will certainly impact large scale investments in the near term - something a lot of retail and short term investors are holding out for.

    I invested back when we were 17c on the way up, and continue to hold as all I can see is a company that is ticking off milestones as they go. With a large amount of retail investment, AGY was always a high risk of being overbought, and as a novice investor, I too got caught up in the hype despite a voice in the back of my head asking why the MC seemed so high compared to other progressing juniors.

    Decreased sentiment in lithium, an overbought, well hyped stock, and political uncertainty are not a good combination for spec stock prices - especially ones which require investment for significant Capex. Fundamentals remain the same though, and as a LT holder I'm happy to wait.

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2.9¢ 3.0¢ 2.8¢ $30.71K 1.059M

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8 1091876 2.8¢

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3.0¢ 1498507 13
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