GLN 9.09% 12.0¢ galan lithium limited

General Discussion Banter GLN, page-12171

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    There it go.

    We areaccompanied by ministers, engineers, directors of commerce, water resources,mining resources, etc. from the province of Catamarca.

    Have a verygood welcome.

    This eventcalls us to be part of a milestone in our progress. Fulfilling an importantstep in the international life of Galan Litio. Our company has been operatingsince 2018 in Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca province, through twocompetitive projects, called Candelas and Candelas Oeste, the latter also knownas HMW, both are in the exploration stage and with the objective of obtainingthe final lithium. For us, putting this new facility into operation impliesmeeting part of our proposed objectives for the exploration process, an actionthat gives confidence in our company to our stakeholders, to you present and tothe community in general.

    Next, wepresent the institutional video that invites you to get to know part of ourorganization. (technical failure)

    JP: Goodmorning everyone, thank you for being here. This is a dream that is coming truestep by step. It has gone from an idea to a fact. I'm going to tell you part ofthe story of how Galan came to be. The idea was born from a conversation with Pancho,Francis López, in an HM salt flat and then Pablo Sanz joined us, and thenlittle by little we have been adding faces to our company. We have passed thepandemic, very hard times, but we were able to get up and follow the course wehad set, the course of being lithium producers.

    Today weare one step closer to reaching that and as an example of what we are seeing isthe opening of the GLN offices, we have here the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor of thisbuilding. We are with a tremendous desire to be able to leave and demonstratethat a project, starting from an idea and with people from Catamarca, complyingwith what the authorities ask of us, can be done. Starting not only with thepeople who work at GLN but with all the collaborators, contractors, suppliers,we have done everything possible to make GLN an important part of the historyof Catamarca. Although they see that I have a different accent, from Chile, Ifeel part of you, I feel part of Catamarca, to be able to show you somethingdifferent and to be part of the history of this province for the better. So, onbehalf of GLN, I want to thank you and ask for your support to continue growingin this dream. We still have a lot to achieve, we have not reached the goal,since it continues to grow, it continues to get bigger. I ask that we supporteach other as a community. We are not only a company that is in Catamarca, wehave had a very strong emphasis on helping the communities directly in thePuna, we have always tried in one way or another to listen to them and be ableto solve their concerns with the budget we have and thinking always in what thepeople of Catamarca need and we want to be part of this, as I have told you, inthe long term, being a lithium producer to magnify the province of Catamarca ofwhich I feel complicit.

    Pancho; Francis López: Good morning everyone, the truth is that I am a little nervous because we are fulfilling a dream that has been growing step by step since the day JP and I met. I am going to stay with a few words that whenever we have the opportunity to be together come to mind, and that is that, GLN started from the trust between three people who a priori did not know each other but who knew how to work together trusting each other. . GLN was built from this trust and this work. Each one of the people invited here, we feel that they are part of this dream because they have worked side by side with us and have supported us in each stage of the growth of the company.

    I wanted toespecially thank JP because we have gone from meeting on the salt flat to doingthis project, to being friends, even more than that, just like with Pablo.Thank you also to all the teams that have made it possible for these offices togrow, to the team from the government, who have always been behind us. Also toAOMA because this agreement with you was very important to us and we celebratedit because it was one more step in order to grow.

    As youknow, I am from here in Catamarca and I thank you for always being prone todialogue and finding joint solutions, that means a lot to me coming from mygovernment.

    Because theeffort and hard work is always accompanied by the institutions that guide us.Next, the lieutenant governor of the province and lieutenant governor of theSenate will address us a few words. The engineer Rubén Yuso.

    RY: Goodmorning everyone, today is a very special day. GLN is not just any company. Itis a company with a very responsible staff. Because from an event that we hadat the sports center many years ago, Francisco López, you told me that you werebehind a project, and that project is already a reality, over time I met JP andI wanted to tell you that I am proud of you for many reasons. 1º because allthe actors of this province are here; mining, water resources, communityrepresentative, municipal government, etc. There are all the legs of the tablethat must be there for it to be solid. And there is something that I do notwant to miss, and that is that GLN is the first company that is seriouslyaccounting for working with people from Catamarca to meet 70% of the workforceand transmit value to its people. And it is very important for all thoseinvolved to be able to transmit part of the wealth from mining to the nativepopulation through their work. For this reason, thank you all very much forunderstanding that this must be the case for the good of the community. I alsowant to convey patience, patience to train our people. I am also proud of themining policy of the province because it has to do with a different miningpolicy, so that part of the production is industrialized in Catamarca. Thereare already agreements in place with ITECH, the scientific part of the ITF, wehave companies, IPF lithium, to also have our provincial company dedicated toproduction. So it is a day that really makes me very happy because feeling partof something that has been achieved in an honorable way and that everything isalso being fulfilled is what makes me feel proud.

    Congratulationsto all GLN members who have made it possible for an idea to become a reality.The project has gone through all the stages it had to go through. They have hadall the time to understand what the mining that this government wants inCatamarca is like, it is mining with the people inside, inside the company. Andif you can do more projects in Catamarca, you are welcome.

    Next, wepresent the institutional video that invites you to get to know part of ourorganization. (video)

    The videodoes not say anything new to what was said above. Same words with images.

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