MEI 4.76% 8.0¢ meteoric resources nl

Yes beach,lessons learned by mei bod.As BB and others wrote...

  1. 1,148 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 115
    Yes beach,lessons learned by mei bod.As BB and others wrote weeks ago cr should’ve,could’ve been done @$0.20 cents would have reeled more money in,more takers now it’s half that price,it’s a slog from here,but we still have a great asset,wait them out even if walletinvestor predications are correct 0.51 cents a mei share that’s x5 by 2029 or 400% on current price l consider that’s at the lower end in my opinion we can go into high grade production from the start lower costs 5000 tonnes per year,we still have profitable business even at these ridiculously low REE prices,supply will get tighter as we go along hopefully DYOR
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8.3¢ 8.4¢ 7.8¢ $571.3K 7.100M

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1 37169 8.0¢

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