IHL incannex healthcare limited

General discussion, page-13541

  1. 931 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 566
    Too true !!! Simple but good philosophy...."Back good management with skin in the game"....(that would make for a a good signature tag too wink.png).

    Unfortunately, I am still holding onto some bad ones as well, which I know I should have already sold or should sell, but am struggling to muster the discipline to cut the cord and crystalise the loss.....very hard sometimes to not let emotion get in the way. Then just take whatever is left after selling and put it all into IHL. Fortunately though, IHL only has to go up 4c for me to recoup the losses from other stocks. I guess that is what gives me peace of mind, if not for IHL, I would be pulling my hair out biggrin.png. What also makes holding onto losers even worse, is the HOPE that they will recover and bounce back, but it rarely seems to happen. Anyway, it is, what it is....just gotta learn to move on !! Cheers.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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