IHL 0.00% 4.1¢ incannex healthcare limited

General discussion, page-17444

  1. von
    77 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Stay strong TV, and in your “high quality” lane.
    I just rechecked SUD exit announcement, 28 Jun 22. So he has been out for some time… coincidentally almost as some of his other issues might have been coming to the surface!
    He certainly seems to have gotten himself into very difficult circumstances, and no doubt now in a fight for his reputation (and finances). We have been lucky to have such good info now in the current open market place that some have shared.. And with many hurting on price drop, it has rocked their boat.
    Your research and the quality of your open sharing/posts is second to non on HC forums.
    I am a significant supporter.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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