Agree with you MM that public subsidies is almost a given considering the number of lives that are being lost/severely affected by this insidious condition that is ARDS.
Worth noting that the ARDS mortality rate for patients with ARDS brought on by COVID-19 is a startling 75%
And you are quite correct MM when you state that many survivors are unable to return to work for 12-24 months as the after affects, if one somehow manages to survive ARDS, are many.
The other thing that needs to be mentioned is that if you have ARDS, you can develop other medical problems while in the hospital. The most common problems are:
ARDS is extremely serious and if IHL-675A proves to be successful in treating ARDS, we are on to a MAJOR MAJOR breakthrough in the medical world and our SP will rocket, absolutely no doubt about that. IF the FDA in its wisdom decides to grant this Emergency Use Assistance status, we can start dreaming of an SP in the dollars and not cents and it may happen sooner than we think. Throw in successful Sleep Apnea & TBI treatments and WOW
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Adam McKinnon, MD
Adam McKinnon
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