TV2 0.00% 0.8¢ tv2u international limited

General Discussion, page-763

  1. R08
    9,581 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1912
    Oh, I disagree completely. You care enormously and will do more so shortly. You didn’t like that post did you ? Calling you out on your supposed info…..All your info and intel advisors didn’t let you know about the legal claim from Humich or Silveys troubles did they ?

    You continue to care plenty enough constantly replying and engaging me and many others with your crap. And when you don’t like what you hear - everything is irrelevant ! So again, I call BS on your claim that you find others irrelevant and that you don’t care what they post. You most certainly do as forum messiah.

    Go on…have the last word. Your specialty…
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