VMT 1.39% 7.3¢ vmoto limited

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 320
    Another partnership. Yesterday was a small one in Slovakia. Today Indonesia. All these can be found in Google Search. Small deals not big enough for official releases, but they paint the picture.

    NaikMotor – Another electric motorcycle player is present in Indonesia, namely Charged Indonesia by cooperating with a Chinese manufacturer, Vmoto Soco Group . The 3 electric scooter models released by subscription are Charged Anoa, Charged Rimau and Charged Maleo

    3 electric motorcycles with scooter models offered, namely Charged Anoa for commercial logistics, business and commercial. with a maximum load capacity of 150 kg and a maximum volume of 250 liters. This scooter uses two lithium batteries that can reach a distance of 200 km with an efficient driving pattern. The weight of the motorcycle without a battery is 135 kg with a ground clearance of 145 mm and a maximum speed of 90 km / h

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7.2¢ 7.3¢ 7.2¢ $22.38K 308.0K

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1 55853 7.3¢

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7.5¢ 142737 1
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