EBR 1.79% $1.65 ebr systems inc.

General Investor Information EBR Systems, page-276

  1. 1,547 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 523
    Just got the June update via email.
    It’s basically a summary of everything we’ve heard along the way but there was one comment I was hoping to read…

    ”we remain on track to submit the final module…to the FDA…in the 3rd quarter “ ✅

    So it’s weeks away. We can’t control what the FDA does but very comforting to hear the controllable is on track.
    Last edited by McQuade: 11/07/24
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$1.69 $1.72 $1.65 $646.2K 383.7K

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3 5291 $1.65

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$1.66 15023 1
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