General Knowledge, page-2

  1. 3,214 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1879
    Hi Mr A

    That's a long discussion and we can go point by point on this forum if you would like.

    First - family is the most important part of anyone's life and if people don't know that (I know you do) then there's not a lot of point too much else - I think.

    The market is an awfully big trap for the inexperienced investor. I know - some 12 years ago I dropped around 100k - that friggin GFC that should have been obvious to one and all and yet everyone's greed (me as well) caused them to overlook the details.

    When I look at the spec end of town the first thing I look for is astute management and a company that flies under the radar. A Board that under promises and over delivers tends to create value. That's where the real value can be found - I think. companies that over promise and under deliver are plentiful. They seem to do little more than burn cash and chomp through investors funds.

    A unique idea - a unique product - a unique whatever can be absolutely wasted and trashed by inept or greedy managers. Strange thing is - the greedy inept managers seem to survive (often by re-birthing in the next big thing in the market) and the funds of investors evaporate. And on the circus rolls into the next town where they convince a new group of people with cash to part with some of it. Take a look around for yourself. Have a look at the "most discussed stocks" list and trace the posts back to say ... 6 months before it became a hot item on HC. Then look at the SP when it wasn't so well discussed. FOMO and greed are terrible combination for wealth creation.

    I never have more than 2% of my portfolio in a small cap - never.

    Some years ago there was a company called TON. The HC threads on that company looked very familiar to many other small caps. Lots of hopeful holders - they were like a religious cult. And of course there was the High Priest who was beyond question. Until the company closed up and thousands of investors dollars went ... well ... into the ether. Many of them had been patting each other on the back - slagging off at those who didn't believe and no doubt dreaming about their next big yacht or luxury house purchase because the SP was "going to the moon" or was "going to be a Disallowed" or .... some other magical description.

    Even the experienced mods around here know that only around 1 in 20 small caps will ever do anything of substance. And even that might be being generous.

    If you look closely at what occurs with the squabbles on HC it is mostly (in my view) squabbles between traders and LT'ers. Each has a vastly different goal.

    Anyway, enough for now. Chat later.
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