General, page-822

  1. 109 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 168
    I agree with everything you mentioned, but not sure a trading halt is necessary, unless the company's continuous disclosure obligations are affected:

    "where a listed entity has become aware of information that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of its securities but it is not in a position to make an announcement about the information to the market promptly and without delay." - LR 3.3

    I have been involved in stocks where trial data comes out all the time and there is no reason for a halt. It just depends on how they receive the read outs and if the team are in a position to put it out. If they get confirmation first then they may need to request a halt. This is why you see halts n other sectors like mining where more drilling/analysis is needed before a final read out etc.

    Much love, good to see more and more people getting excited about these results,
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