Warm greetings!I was asked by a friend (US citizen) to give a...

  1. 79 Posts.

    Warm greetings!
    I was asked by a friend (US citizen) to give a synoptic opinion on the issue of GMO so I got together an overview for her, the letter is below for those interested ...

    Warm regards & best wishes!

    : )


    Hello _______,
    There are many major issues that face mankind of which require absolute disclosure, education, independant scientific review, [proper] regulation, checks & balances of the distribution of scientific equity to prevent monopolistic centralisation & sustainable protocols that maintain & preserve constant total systemic transparency ...
    For society, this starts & stops with the free media principle [see the original Fairness Doctrine [1949] legislation formally recognising/strengthening the US Radio Act of [1927] [1928 Federal Radio Commision] to protect the same principles from [progressive] technologies.

    A simplified uber-priority [top five] issue list would be:
    a) GMO
    b) Ionosperic Manipulation Technologies (& weaponised derivative technologies)
    c) Depleted Uranium Weaponry (DUW)

    (Human Equity & Societal Welfare);
    d) Centralised Banking & Monopolistic Economics
    e) The New World Order (Transnational, transgenerational plutocratic global control strategems)

    GMO [Gentically Modified Organisms] ...

    One cannot overstate with the utmost urgency the need for public literacy & direct input (via consumer choice utilising purchasing power with proper labelling) on GMO because once presented with what is currently known, no fair & reasonable person/consumer/community would remotely consider any form of GMO foods, there are actually no yields or benefits whatsoever versus the risks.

    This is a massive issue that evokes very strong passions of which the arguement against has almost no opponant if we remove those parties that have conflict of interest, direct vested interest, ideological subserviance/co-participation or a part of the [power] complexes in line with larger transgenerational geo-strategic machinations so I will throw a few 'dots' around that after very little energies a broad picture will emerge.

    First things first, understand absolutely that the US FDA has lost all grounds of credibility domestically & internationally as a scientific regulatory entity who's charter is the regulation & oversight of products & technology [protecting] social health & welfare, it is now a pro-industry fascist [corporate over government] propaganda department.
    -Research a 25 year history of all FDA [policy making] senior positions & note the symmetry of [direct conflicts of interest] the financial & professional intertwining corporate relationships of those persons pre+post FDA positions & the Industrial Agricultural & Medical complexes.
    -In the entire history of recorded civilised mankind, the current food per capita volumes are at the highest ever, really understand what that means, it means that food production is not the problem for global 'hunger' but economic access & distribution is.
    -Understand that seed is the ultimate 'renewable resource', from one seed thousands come & seed is the one constant componant responsible for the continuity of civilisations yet we have used the 'sciences' of the last 30 years to engage in modification of that renewable componant ie the pursuit of 'sterilisation' & displacement [strategic] for monopolistic controls.
    -"Control oil, control nations, control food, control mankind." Attrib Henry Kissinger, 1972.
    -Ideological symmetries reflecting true ownership across all the power complexes eg Donald Rumsfield [Neo-con Zionist] from his time as Searle [Monsanto] CEO 1977 through to the present US political Foreign Policy & Industrial Military Complex & you will see trans-power-complex involvement.
    -Research the 'Doomsday Vault', who the donors, proponants both political & industrial, explore the why, note the timelines of the probable advent of other technologies & does this reflect risk awarenesses of those technologies.
    -Note the aspect of European soveriegn-debt defaults to the Industrial Agricultural Complex's (IAC) last straw failure at the forceful introductions of GMs to the worlds largest middleclass market (EU+500m pop).
    -Research Codex Alimentarius & WTO legislation regarding GMO ...
    -Research Biological Patenting [look at Heirloom Seed patenting & cultural food technology patenting] & we can discuss possible & probable implications.
    -Research the [IAC] move into the Vitamin markets [ie monopolisation].
    -Research what is known on GMO anti-nutrient(cy) & now pair that with the commercial [monopolostic] entry & [synergistic (& in this contained context symbiotic)] straddle of the [IAC] Vitamins industry & ask yourself is this incidental or strategic.
    Understand also that this means any proactive [preventative medicinal consumption] via vitamins if economic access is permissable means that you will be consuming vitamins that contain GMO products without any labels informing as such.
    -Research the [IAC] move into the Heirloom Seed & Seed markets [ie monopolisation].
    -Research & really understand the modern [last 150years] ventures, supporters & donors of Reverse Eugenics, really understand what this science is about & the applications & ideological motivations.
    -Understand that US citizens are guaged to consume & be exposed to GMO products every day at 100%, that means everyone you know consumes at least a part there-of of GMO foods every single day.
    -Understand the current status of anti-labelling pro-industry [Biotechnology] legislation so the US consumer has zero disclosure & consumer choice, why is this & what does this mean.

    -Jeffrey M Smith wrote a very good book intimately detailing the corporate, legislative & scientific origins of GMO called Seeds of Deception [2003], the bibliography is second to none & should be requisite tertiary reading, there can be no debate or refutations from independant fair & reasonable persons against the contents & I would encourage exposure.
    Also some more revelant links of a [four part] interview I would sincerely encourage viewing;

    -David Suzuqi is a well known geneticist, he is supported by globalist power complexes [UN et alia] for his support of global climate change legislative redistributive governing structures of which for the agendas is say a +7 but in GMO he is a -4 which results in a net +3 for globalist power agendas hence why he is left 'untouched'. I personally believe he is pure in his belief of [inherent transgenerational responsibilities] of Environmental Custodianship despite [my] personal disagreement over the support of certain 'vehicles' to achieve this & he has no hidden agenda, he narrates this lay introductory GMO awareness documentary;

    In summary, it needs to be understood unequivocally that there is no 'recall', ever, of this technology [GMO] therefore without compromise the omnipresent need & responsibility of this entire generation for absolute certainty/omniscience on all dimensional aspects of these technologies before any exposure, ecological release, consumption or food-chain contamination or interaction whether human or flora/fauna [with the obvious exception of Biosafety Level 2 & above Labratories] can be risked in any measure is one of mankind's current uber-priorities at the risk of total consequence to all life on the planet ...
    This is an issue just like Depleted Uranium Weaponry and [weaponised] Ionospheric Manipulation technologies that the risks to mankind & to all life on the planet become, actually impossible, to overstate ...

    In closing, free media is everything, nothing can be addressed for mankind & forward equitable sustainable [civilised] society without addressing the free media principle(s), therefore it is imperitave to oppose any forms of Internet censorship no matter the sympathetic attraction of the veiled (dis)guise the legislation may take form (child pornography, cyber bullying, freedom of privacy, national security etc etc) & encourage all in your world to fundamentally understand "Plato's Allegory [Parable or Analogy] of the Cave" [Written 2500+ years ago] ...
    This is very important because Democracy in its pure form is a very bad beast, it is pure mob rule & the mob can be conditioned & manipulated very simply by the control of exposures which is why if people read the [Federalist Papers] they will discover that the [US] Founding Fathers intended Democracy to be used in check only as a tool in the contexts of a binding Constitutional Republic ...

    I hope the above content assists & is adequate till we can dialogue further there _______,
    All I can advise is that you take it slow, cogitate, explore, question, verify & then let things settle till the entire picture starts to take form & when you are ready, let your spirit & virtues dictate action in reflection of what you deem is necessary.

    Take care in all things, best of luck with the study & warm affections always,
    __________ ...
    : )

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