FREEWILL My comment was that the former seems less barbaric than...

  1. 411 Posts.
    FREEWILL My comment was that the former seems less barbaric than the latter. Do you disagree? Maybe you do disagree,
    but I do not see where I was supporting the practice.

    CV: my problem is just because it is less barbaric does not make it right there is no middle ground IT IS WRONG FULLSTOP, i will not accomadete either
    regardless of peoples beliefs or your view that it is the lesser of evils. People playing with their kids genitals is wrong, do you agree???

    Free will
    My second comment was that Western women choose to get their genitals altered.

    CV: Yeah a small minority of porn stars do (as thats their tool of trade) they also bleach their anus for the pleasure of creepy dudes
    ,western woman do not in general get the genitals operated on for cosmetic purposes
    i have yet to meet a woman who has got surgery on her genitals, its a very sad view you have on western woman

    Free will
    This was in the context of whether it was appropriate for an adult female to undergo female circumcision by choice.
    It was a debate about adult choices not the forced circumcision of children who can not consent.

    CV: what woman would remove her labia & clitoris seriously what are you on about as i said before female circumcision removes
    all lips & clitoris & leaves a hole & no pleasure for a woman but i am sure their are some cultures or religious beliefs that could
    indoctrinate a woman to do that maybe when theire adults again doesnt make it right still evil

    Free will
    As I say, I think you need to read the entire thread in context.

    CV: i dont need to read anything
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