costic,You wrote:"Arab conquest of Africa in the past 1,000...

  1. 2,146 Posts.
    You wrote:
    "Arab conquest of Africa in the past 1,000 years has been racist and appallingly cruel. Arabs still keep black slaves, 150 years after the US stopped doing so!!!"

    That is probably the first credible statement of yours I have read.

    I could be impressed if I see more of it....

    Dont let me down costic, lets see more of this from now on...

    You very well know that the palestinian issue is just a sideshow, a distraction from the real issues that need attention in the world today.

    Get rid of a few more of these palestinian criminals and eliminate this terror/murder-incorporated masquerading as the palestinian authority and maybe the peace talks can start again and possible there will be some progresss when the palestinian side really wants to talk peace and if they mean it.

    The current collection of palestinian gangsters and criminals who make up the upper rungs of the various terrorist groups that claim leadership of the palestinian people do not want peace with Israel... it will disrupt their franchise on power and their cash flows....

    They like things the way they are and the cash keeps flowing into their pockets...

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