I've had a good look around and I'm not finding hundreds of...

  1. 439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I've had a good look around and I'm not finding hundreds of thousands being massacred in Indonesia during that period. I get roughly 30,000 total. But that was then - and this is now. China continues to silently kill Tibetans and Muslims. When it is not killing the people, it is enthusiastically killing the cultures.

    I'm not sure if burying female infants in the more remote regions, or turning the unborn females into soup at the great many illegal clinics in the cities - count as massacres now. Nor am I sure of the terminology - while poor Chinese freeze to death due to lack of coal lately. Does that count as a massacre? How did that happen? The great leader Xi, what a slimy putrid dog he is. How can Chinese respect him? I guess they have no values - no surprise. They must be very naive and simple. Then we have the, fresh from the Wuhan lab, the accidental release of a researched bio-weapon called Covid-19. Bio-weapon 19 is the real name. Was that a massacre? The internal killings and the Chinese government sponsored and enabled millions of deaths and injury across the planet via their engineered virus? China has been illegally engineering and cultivating bio-weapons for decades. They deny it, but any western intelligence knows it is bullsh!t. China is ramping up weaponry across the spectrum as it seeks to seize adjacent countries and territories.

    The US should be encouraged by world leaders, a weekly call from our PM would assist, encouraged - to decimate China - back into the stone age. Sooner is better.
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