The Graham Report - Early EditionWith his Lil Aussie Buddy...

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    The Graham Report - Early Edition

    With his Lil Aussie Buddy sacked leaving
    him friendless and alone in the (sob!)
    hard cruel world, George W. Bush did
    the unthinkable in Bali after
    holding on to world
    domination for so
    terribly long.

    The United States of America
    finally surrendered World
    Sovereignty to
    the United

    With rain still falling softly on my
    Canberra roof, I cannot think of
    better news to see splashed
    arcoss this morning's
    Canberra Times than:


    An exhausted Penny Wong says
    a night of tough negotiatiion was
    worth it to help forge an intern-
    national agreement at the Bali
    climate change talks.

    Emotional delegates cheered
    and clapped when the United
    States caved in late yesterday
    and agreed to support the
    Bali roadmap.

    The US concession - 14 hours
    after the initial deadline passed
    - came after two weeks of talks
    and a day of high drama in
    which the conference head
    Tvo be Boer stormed out in
    tears and American delegates
    were booed and jeered.

    My comment:

    The dog in the manger has
    finally been outfoxed by
    shame, humiliation and
    public booing in a venue
    (unlike US military bases)
    where he cannot control
    the crowd or the agenda.

    Perhaps Americans will
    now find the courage
    to hiss, boo and jeer
    the most destested
    US President ever
    from the US
    White House.

    It can be done!

    Australians drove a Governor-General
    (Fraser''s cur, John Kerr) from office
    and exiled him from Australia
    by booing, hissing and
    jeering until Kerr
    'got the message'
    and decamped
    to London and
    died without
    a tear being
    shed in OZ.

    But great turning points in our
    nation's short history should
    not pass without some
    ribald Aussie humour:

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