george bush caught lying about 9/11, page-14

  1. 1,616 Posts.
    People reported saying a jet shot it down.
    Rumsfeld accidently said it was shot down by the US.

    The crash site had no bodies and parts were scattered over miles suggesting it was blown up in the sky.

    The flight box apparently doesn't include the last 3 minutes of data or voice recordings. If you believe that.

    Just remember too. The story they gave for the two towers collapsing was due to the fuel of the plane melting 100 stories plus of steel.
    Even though jet fuel is no where near hot enough and burned up within 10 minutes and most on impact.
    At the Pentagon where they say a plane hit (although no plane parts of bodies where ever found because they say the jet fuel burnt it all up). You can se books and other office furniture items in tact right next to where the hole was made in the building.

    I don't know the answers, but the ones we were given are absolute bs and complete disrespect to the people that died and our intelligence.
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