Georgia about to be called for Trump

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    Voter Group in Georgia Claims They Have Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes – Enough Votes to Move Georgia to Trump Column

    A group in Florida says they have found over 50,000 illegal votes in Georgia.
    That is four times the amount needed to turn the state and its electoral votes over to President Trump.
    The worst-case scenario would be that Georgia does not submit its final tally and awards electoral votes to no one.

    If neither candidate gets 270 electoral votes, it goes to the House where Republicans have the 26 votes needed to give Trump a second term.
    The vote in the House does no go by individual members but by state delegations with each state getting one vote. Republicans currently control 26 of the delegations.
    A group in Georgia has identified more than 40,000 votes cast in the 2020 election that were illegal:

    One of many volunteer groups, a Georgia-based voter data analytics firm says it has found that about 40,000 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 3 general election. Mark Davis, President of Data Productions, Inc. and considered an expert in five court cases concerning election disputes found 40,239 people who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election and voted in their old county, which is illegal according to Georgia law. Those 40,239 people who voted failed to register their new address in time to vote in their new county, and according to the law they cannot vote in either county until they do.
    40,239 illegal votes are more than triple the size of the current margins in the Presidential race as Joe Biden is listed as being approximately 12,000 votes ahead of President Donald Trump.

    In addition, the same group found that there were over 10,000 people who voted who had moved out of the state. That too is illegal and their votes must be tossed out.

    That brings the total of illegal votes to over 50,000 and Trump is behind by only about 12,000 votes at this time.
    On election night, President Trump led by 100,000 votes and then they quit counting the votes allegedly because of a water leak there is no record of. Suddenly Trump found himself behind by 100,000 a number which has been cut down to the current 12,000 votes.
    He is well within striking distance if justice is served. The same thing has been found in Nevada and Arizona.
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