hmmmmm yes --------- kinda but, this seems to presuppose that...

  1. 87,452 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    hmmmmm yes --------- kinda

    but, this seems to presuppose that democracy is a good idea

    it 'might be' ------------ but, one massive flaw in how we see democracy - is to have democracy or what appears to be -

    in a political system which uses voting -------- the election process

    and that is what stuffs up democracy. It distorts it because political wannabes are purchased - money talks and gets paid reps put into power
    it also means that aspiring politicians are egotists - and many have deep psychological issues - the very last people one wants as leaders

    to me - true democracy hasn't been given a fair go -

    the pillars of democracy do NOT DEMAND elected representatives -

    and IMO - for a true test of democracy - we should try sortition, as opposed to election

    we would still get some nuts in as representatives - but, I believe - nowhere near so many

    all one has to do is to walk into a room which is full of people who are 'normal people' - but, the clear mental cases and the mob who can't comprehend basic concepts have been left outside

    compare that to a room full of people who think that they should be leaders, or they think they are better or they have drive for representative positions for self gain

    the difference is chalk and cheese

    and IMO - that is the difference between sortition and election

    less nuts and self servers
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