"this seems to presuppose that democracy is a good idea"Not...

  1. 24,354 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    "this seems to presuppose that democracy is a good idea"

    Not really. It is what it currently is and I was presupposing nothing.
    I've never been convinced that 51%of the population should be able to dictate how the other 49% lives their lives, and that's assuming real democracy and not the 'demockracy' we all know and hate. But then if government was pared back to it's role as a service organisation that it was supposed to be most of these problems would disappear.

    "and that is what stuffs up democracy. It distorts it because political wannabes are purchased - money talks and gets paid reps put into power"

    Seemed to work that way for most systems of authority IMO, without the authority most of the psychopaths it attracts would go hunting elsewhere.

    "to me - true democracy hasn't been given a fair go -

    the pillars of democracy do NOT DEMAND elected representatives -

    and IMO - for a true test of democracy - we should try sortition, as opposed to election

    we would still get some nuts in as representatives - but, I believe - nowhere near so many"

    I agree. In fact we don't have elections as much as we have 'selections' from a handful of peope mostof us don;t know, preselected by the higher-ups to suit their own agenda.

    Also, choosing who gets to lord it over us unaccountably for the next 3 years is hardly democracy anyway, and that's assuming the elections have integrity which I am very suspicious of these days.
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