Germany was the scene of at least six stabbings and a gang rape...

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    Germany was the scene of at least six stabbings and a gang rape in the span of a single weekend, according to local media and police.

    Stabbings in the cities of Frankfurt, Cologne, Lingen, Nuremberg, and Mühlheim sent at least five victims to the hospital, with one more discovered dead at the scene, and a gang rape is being investigated in Viersen.

    In Frankfurt, the body of a woman was discovered in front of her apartment after neighbors reported screaming to police.

    Officers later arrested a male suspect who is reportedly her former partner.

    "The autopsy on Monday revealed that the 32-year-old was killed by a cut on the neck, the prosecutor said," Hessenschau reports.

    Also in Frankfurt, a 19-year-old suspect turned himself in to police, indicating he may have been responsible for stabbing a 22-year-old victim during a dispute, according to Bild.

    In Nuremberg, a 25-year-old Iraqi migrant was arrested following a manhunt after a woman, 21, was stabbed while walking home with a friend.

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    In Mülheim, police are seeking a suspect with a possible "Arab migrant background" who may have participated in the stabbing of a 20-year-old male victim, along with four other perpetrators.

    "According to the police, he described the incident as follows: An acquaintance wanted to meet him in the playground, and when he arrived there, a total of five men were waiting for him," Bild reports. "Suddenly they attacked him and later fled."

    In Lingen, a woman was ambushed on an unlit path and dragged off her bicycle by two masked "young men" who stabbed her multiple times before she was able to scare them off by calling for help.

    "The 44-year-old was seriously injured in the attack, an ambulance took her to the hospital," a police report explains.

    In Cologne, a 28-year-old man was attacked in a hookah bar, where he suffered "heavy puncture wounds on his upper body," Bild reports.

    The victim was stabilized after emergency surgery, and a suspect, 26, has been arrested.

    In Viersen, police are seeking suspects in the gang rape of a young woman after she was reportedly pushed into a side street and sexually assaulted.

    Police descriptions of the alleged perpetrators indicate they may be foreign, and the victim reportedly noted that they all "spoke incomprehensibly in foreign language," according to PI News.

    The slew of attacks with relatively few accompanying details come shortly after a disturbing report indicating German police and media actively hide essential information about crimes that could reflect poorly on migrants, allegedly to "preserve civil peace."
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