LJS, fighting extremism with armies is easier, but doesn't...

  1. 61 Posts.
    LJS, fighting extremism with armies is easier, but doesn't address the root cause. Why are people converting to a fundamental brand of Islam from Australia, Europe and America. Not Arabs and minorities, white anglo saxon Christians converting and fighting in the name of Islam.

    Throwing troops, aircraft carriers and bombers at the problem only creates more problems in the years to come. The real "fight" against any radicalism is to address the ideology and cut the power off there.

    On the other hand extremism and fundamentalism has been useful when it is against the Russians and anti-Western governments, and oppression and dictatorship has also been ok when the oppressors and dictators have been pro West.

    Apart from the quick answer if the"the issue is Islam", have you actually thought of why a religion that was relatively peaceful has sprouted so many anti western groups? That is what needs to be addressed, not just the idiots with guns and bombs beheading people
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