ARU 2.86% 18.0¢ arafura rare earths ltd


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    Lenni and others, are you keeping this secret on us...
    Also the investor publishing house recruits for a Investment in REE - Rohsoffe with the heading:
    Worth per share: 4,95 - momentary price: 0.45 euro. Do you slam shut?

    There it very informative passages contains here m.E the most important:

    5 questions for the topic of rare-earth metals

    1.) Which elements rank among the rare-earth metals?
    Altogether 17 elements belong to the rare-earth metals. In detail are the lanthan, scandium, yttrium as well as the Lanthanoide cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium and lutetiums.

    2.) Are rare-earth metals how rare?
    In the earth's crust rare-earth metals actually often occur quite. Even the rarest element seems still to 200-Mal more frequently than gold. Which makes it so valuable however nevertheless is the fact that they occur only rarely in economically degradable concentrations.

    3.) Which is the most expensive and which the cheapest element?
    Terbium is the most expensive element with a Kilo price of 515 US Dollar. Cerium again is with only 1.70 US Dollar the most favorable rare-earth metal (prices conditions November 2006, purity 99%).

    4.) In which minerals does one find economically degradable occurrences?
    One finds the most important occurrences in the minerals Monazit, Bastnäsit and into the ion exchanger toning in such a way specified.

    5.) Do rare-earth metals have to be still further treated according to their dismantling?
    Yes. Because of the strong similarity of their chemical characteristics the individual elements must be separated with the help of aufwändiger processes. The more highly the degree of purity which can be obtained, the more expenditure must be operated. Accordingly also the price for the finished raw materials rises.

    Why with the production of hybrid cars so large quantities of rare-earth metals are needed

    In two ranges with hybrid cars rare-earth metals are used: To the one for the battery of the electric motor, on the other hand for extremely strong magnets, which are used in numerous places in the car.

    The battery in hybrid cars: A hybrid car is a vehicle with two drives - a combustion engine and an electric drive. The energy for this electric drive does not originate however as with pure electric vehicles from the plug socket, but is while driving produced.

    On the one hand the energy is produced over a generator propelled by the petrol engine. On the other hand with driving downhill in the thrust enterprise or when braking the kinetic energy of the rolling car is converted into electricity and fed into the battery.

    The energy, which is needed for the electric drive, is stored in an efficient nickel metal hydride battery (NiMH battery). Almost all manufacturers set on these batteries, because they have a very high power density, are easy and have a long life span.

    The anode of a nickel metal hydride battery consists the Mischmetall of an alloy of different rare-earth metals, is called. Typical Mischmetall consists of: Lanthan (25%), cerium (50%), praseodymium (6%), neodymium (15%), other metals the rare ground connection (1%) and a small portion iron (3%).

    A heavy nickel metal hydride battery of a hybrid small car proud 12 kilograms of rare-earth metals need typical, 50 kilograms!

    Beratungsinstitut BCC Research assumes the consumption of NiMH alloys for hybrid car batteries will rise until 2010 each year by 46 per cent!

    Strong magnets in hybrid cars: Hybrid cars need a high number of electric motors, so that also with switched off petrol engine all functions of the car remain accessible. And for the enterprise of the electric motors one uses particularly gladly efficient neodymium magnets. (Neodymium is a rare-earth metal)

    First of all in the larger engines, like for example the electric drive, the employment of these magnets is meaningful, since they are the strongest permanent magnets at all. The engine strength is increased by its application and the weight of the components is reduced.

    Neodymium magnets consist to approximately 33 per cent of the element neodymium. Further rare-earth metals can be still added for the increase of the efficiency.

    If one adds all uses of rare-earth metals in hybrid cars, one comes on altogether 15 to 16 kilograms, which are used on the average with the production of a only one (typical) hybrid car.

    For the entire range of neodymium magnets, which are used by the way also in non removable disks, CD and DVD drive assemblies as well as in large engines like for example drive systems for ships or generators for wind-powered devices, BCC Research proceeds until 2010 from a rise of the rare-earth metal consumption of annually 14 per cent.

    They are surprised a little that you did not hear as investors ever of the rare-earth metals?

    You find actual so far practically to no information about it in the usual economic and financial press. I cannot say to you also, why like that is. But I can insure you 100 percent that with my coming publication will change suddenly!

    That is close at the Frontrunnig, thus goes we on very thin ice… I that completely would omit itself, even if it would pull naturally certainly well.

    Therefore absolutely still buy the most promising share from the range of rare-earth metals before that to 24. March 2007!

    Read however before still, from whatever you can still profit to further world-wide boom market with my recent discovery.

    Boom market 2:
    Energy energy-savings lamp and screens need also large quantities of rare-earth metals
    As the first country in the world Australia wants to forbid conventional bulbs. In the future only energy energy-savings lamp are used and up to the year 2012 the emission of four million tons greenhouse gases, which would develop alone in Australia, in such a way avoid. In Germany and/or in the European Union now likewise the discussion is around a prohibition of the bulbs under way.

    With the bulb by (glowing) the filament light is produced. However a majority of the energy is lost in the form of warmth.

    Energy energy-savings lamp however have a higher energy output. They are filled and with a fluorescent phosphor coated with gas, which consists of rare-earth metal.

    Many connections from rare-earth metals fluoreszieren, if one energizes them with electrons, ultraviolet or x-ray in addition.

    The fluorescent characteristics of the rare-earth metals are used not only with energy energy-savings lamp, but also with the coating of picture tubes, LCD and plasma televisions.

    Straight one with flat picture televisions, which find rapid paragraph, is used a large quantity phosphor. However within the TV-range the conversions with LCD flat screens rose 2006 to 21.1 billion US Dollar - a plus of 73 per cent in relation to the previous year!

    The largest boom with LCD televisions, which have today already a portion of 71 per cent of the flat screen total market, is predicted to the giant format. Market researchers of display search assume the sales of LCD televisions will rise starting from a size of 50 tariff until 2011 ANNUAL by 150 per cent. And but a GIANT QUANTITY of rare-earth metals is used!
    The rare-earth metal yttrium in this area of application most strongly one inquires. Further here assigned rare-earth metals are europium, terbium, cerium and gadolinium.

    The expert of BCC Research according to the demand for rare-earth metals in the area of application of phosphors grows annually in the next years by 13 per cent. (And at the time of the prognosis it was not well-known yet that energy energy-savings lamp in Australia are ordered by law - actual growth might lie in the coming years thus around some more highly!)

    Are there still further areas of application, in which rare-earth metals are strongly inquired? Yes, it gives! And I call you also equal the enterprise, which in completely special measure from it profits!

    But only still briefly to a further boom market, at which you know 2007 sharings with the raw material rocket.

    Boom market 3:
    Strong demand for rare-earth metals as polishing agents in the High Tech industry
    Cerium oxide (cerium is a rare-earth metal) is the most efficient polishing agent for glass materials. Depending upon sort these polishing agents possess a cerium portion of nearly 100 per cent.

    Very strongly growing applications for cerium oxide polishing agents are above all polishing liquid crystal displays (LCD) and glass substrate plates in non removable disks of the newest generation.

    These new non removable disks store the data no longer on metallic plates, but on plates from glass substrate, on which a magnetic layer is applied. Non removable disks from glass substrate are less sensitively in relation to vibrations and meanwhile in nearly all new laptops are built. Nikkei Electronics estimates that the demand for non removable disk glass substrate will add annually around approximately 30 per cent.

    Altogether the demand for rare-earth metals within the range polishing agent is to rise in the next years according to BCC estimations annually over over 9 per cent.

    As you can see, rare-earth metals in the High Tech industry and with future technologies are not as to be excluded the hybrid car any longer.

    If you are here with the correct Investment thereby, you will see highest profits in your depot in the coming years! Read therefore true prosperity the next 3 months long at the favorable advantage price you receive 4 expenditures at the price of one! I found a value for you, from which I am completely safe that he can add in the next three years up to 1.000 per cent.

    Ranges of application of rare-earth metals with high growth

    The estimated demand development of the four most important ranges of application for rare-earth metals until 2010.
    BCC Research, diagram own material

    And I call you still further uses of rare-earth metals, here in the short overview:

    In the metallurgy rare-earth metals are needed with a multiplicity of alloys, like for example in aluminum, magnesium or so mentioned superalloys. Thus yttrium improves for example the firmness of aluminum and magnesium alloys. The intensified employment of magnesium in the automotive manufacture will lead to a strong demand rise after rare-earth metals from this range of application.

    Fiber laser:
    The rare-earth metals erbium, ytterbium and neodymium are inserted with production by fiber lasers. These fiber lasers apply according to Fraunhoferinstitut to material and jet technology “as a trend-setting development in the laser technology with enormous innovation potential”. The number of applications rises rapidly and covers so far areas such as medical technology, a welding, cuts as well as micromachining.

    Ceramic(s): Rare-earth metals, here above all yttrium, are used in the ceramic(s) industry for the production by zirconium dioxide. It concerns a high speed ceramic(s), which is used particularly in the medical technology, in mechanical engineering and in electro-technology.

    In China rare-earth metals are used during the soil fertilization and the cattle feeding. With useful plants leads this to 10 per cent higher yields and with the utilizable animals to a faster growth.

    Rare-earth metals are not only today highly desired, them it also in the next DECADES will remain!
    There are still further visionäre applications of futures, which give additional fantasy to the prices for rare-earth metals.

    Magnetic refridgerators will revolutionize the market for refrigeration technology
    Already before 126 years the magnetokalorische effect in such a way specified was discovered by the German physicist Emil being castle: Material warms up, if one exposes it to a strong magnetic field and cools down, if one deactivates the magnetic field again.

    So far this effect was only used in the basic research and cryophysics. But recent research results from Switzerland resulted in that one can cool also usual coolers such as refrigerators and freezing resting assistance of this effect, if one uses only the correct cooling agent.

    When has itself thereby the rare-earth metal gadolinium proven a very effective casehardening material, which is used in the framework of an alloy.

    Contrary to conventional refridgerators this technology needs no toxic chemicals and is thus very pollution free. Beyond that the energy consumption is smaller due to a higher thermodynamic efficiency.

    This technology is practically everywhere applicable: In household refrigerators, air conditioning systems, cooling ships, industrial refrigerant plants and much more besides.

    If in a few years millions of new refrigerators and air conditioning systems with this technology are equipped, the demand for the rare-earth metal gadolinium will explode.

    The car of the generation after the next, which will need hydrogen car, large quantities of rare-earth metals
    Also hydrogen cars, on whose break-through in the world-wide automobile market in approximately ten years is to be counted, will not get along without rare-earth metals.

    Largest market for hydrogen cars will be China, where the large cities threaten to already suffocate in the smog. And also the oiling system of China for the production of fuel is not any more reliably. Already today 40 per cent of the oil, in the year 2020 might it must be imported at least 60 per cent be.

    Therefore China tries to become the pioneer of the post office-fossil car. Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Powertrain, an establishment of enterprise from of the Tongji university in Shanghai, works with high pressure on the development of the gas cell car. There are already ten prototypes, to 2008 should it already 100 be.

    China plans to start at the latest in seven years with the mass production from hydrogen cars to.

    The most important operational areas of rare-earth metals with hydrogen cars are:

    A hydrogen car with gas cell drive uses a large electric motor, in order to bring the energy produced in the gas cell on the road. These electric motors will need neodymium magnets, so that they obtain a maximum at efficiency and a minimum in weight. Contrary to hybrid cars some hydrogen cars have even several electric motors. Honda FCX Concept for example possesses not only 80 KW a drive for the front axle, but also ever 25 KW an engine for the rear wheels.

    Some concept cars on hydrogen basis possess a large nickel metal hydride battery apart from the energy source gas cell. This produces for example with Ford focus FCV hybrid additional 18 KW, if the driver accelerates. Much points on the fact that series hydrogen cars will be equipped in the future with efficient nickel metal hydride batteries. Apart from some additional HP with acceleration thus also the brake movement can be recovered again as energy. This principle coming from hybrid cars is used for example with the hydrogen concept car Hyundai Santa Fe FCHEV.

    A further possible operational area for rare-earth metals in hydrogen cars is the storage of the hydrogen in metal hydrides. The hydrogen is bound by means of pressure in a suitable metal alloy and can be set free over a lowering of the pressure again. As metal among other things nickel metal hydride offers itself, which consists to a high portion of Mischmetall and/or rare-earth metals. This tank method is safer than the storage in compressed gas bottles and uses less energy than storage in liquid form.

    Thus is clear: Also the automobile generation after the next will drive the demand for rare-earth metals up. Neodymium will be used for the electric motors in large quantities and Mischmetall (rare-earth metal alloy) for the nickel metal hydride batteries and nickel metal hydride hydrogen reservoirs.

    The demand is immensely, at the same time verknappt China the offer at rare-earth metals
    The offer situation with the rare-earth metals is extremely strained. Here the situation is not at all comparable with with most other raw materials. China is with the rare-earth metals clearly the number 1. 2005 95 per cent of the 103,000 tons in China, produced world-wide, was manufactured.

    Three industrial centres for rare-earth metal in China exist: In internal Mongolia with Baotou, in the province Jiangxi lain in the southeast and in the centralChinese province itself SCN.

    Lately the Chinese government seized drastic measures, in order to receive control of production and the export from rare-earth metals to:

    Some enterprises were closed, since they did not keep the environmental defaults. Background: With the dismantling of rare-earth metals often also radioactive thorium results. This partly led in China to extreme environmental degradation.

    In order to preserve strategically the rare-earth metal reserves extremely important for China, 2006 a production upper limit were decided by 86.520 tons. This corresponds to a drastic decrease by 11.500 tons opposite 2005!

    In order to secure the supply of the Chinese industry with rare-earth metals, the Chinese government lowers regularly export quota. 2004 if still 60 thousand tons could be exported, then there will be this year only 40 thousand tons.

    2006 were introduced a duty on exports by 10 per cent, in order to contain the export of the rare-earth metals further.

    These measures of the Chinese government have extreme effects on the world market for rare-earth metals. While the demand explodes in the next years, China everything does, around the world market offer to scarce. Already for 2008 on an offer deficit by approximately 30,000 tons one counts!

    Supply and demand demand with the rare-earth metals

    Since past year the supply gap continues to increase with the rare-earth metals.
    Source: BCC Research

    The prices for rare-earth metals snap already upward!
    This development leads at present too strongly rising prices. Thus the price for a kilogram of praseodymium (99 per cent of purity) of August 2005 rose until November 2006 by 135 per cent. In the same period the price for neodymium shot upward by 169 per cent!

    Far ones rising prices are clearly foreseeable. Particularly the prices of those rare-earth metals will continue to rise, those with the applications of booms of neodymium magnets, nickel metal hydride batteries and phosphors be used. These are praseodymium, neodymium, terbium, dysprosium, lanthan and europium.

    How however can you profit maximally from this situation?

    Completely simply: There is an Australian enterprise, which will extremely profit from the ausufernden offer deficit and the fast rising prices at the rare-earth metal market.

    The main project of this enterprise is Nolans Bore, an enormous rare-earth metal occurrence in the Northern Territory of Australia. The construction of the mine is planned for 2009 and the start of production for the turn of the year 2009/2010.

    That may sound itself long, is however exactly the perfect time for the admission of production, since for the year 2010 on a substantial offer deficit by approximately 50,000 tons rare-earth metal is counted! And the stock exchange will always in front take this development like, as soon as the investors the explosiveness of this topic becomes clear. I guess/advise you urgently: You are from the outset thereby!

    Resources determined so far make a production of 10.000 tons for rare-earth metal possible per annum for at least 20 years. This would correspond to a portion of approximately 9 per cent of world-wide production!

    Only competitor to China - and also still more profitably!

    The project will encounter large resonance at the customers outside of China, who want to protect themselves against further measures of the Chinese government for offer shortage.

    The rare-earth metals in Nolans Bore are by far more valuable due to a clearly larger portion of the hochpreisigen elements neodymium and europium than that of the most important Chinese competitor in Baotou. Thus the enterprise will obtain a higher cost per ton, what will affect the competitive power and the profit situation favorably.

    The composition of the rare-earth metals in Nolans Bore is more valuable
    Nolans Bore % Baotou %
    Cerium 48.32 51,3
    Lanthan 20.4 25,7
    Neodymium 21.06 15,7
    Praseodymium 5.91 5,4
    Samarium 2.37 1,1
    Gadolinium 0,95 -
    Europium 0.37 0,19
    Dysprosium 0.34 0,06
    Other 0.28 0,5

    The portions of the hochpreisigen elements neodymium, europium and dysprosium are importantly larger in Nolans Bore. Source: Unternehmenswebsite

    My avowed favorite under the raw material values for 2007 offers further clear advantages:

    Small costs: The occurrence is near because of the surface and can be diminished thus very economically in the open mining.

    Good infrastructure: The project lies straight times 5 kilometers far away from the next gas line and 10 kilometers from the next road. The development costs will be very low thus.

    Political support: The regional government of the Northern Territory operates a very minefriendly policy and supports the development of Nolans Bore with approximately 2 million euro.

    Beside the desired rare-earth metals are in Nolans Bore also still large quantities phosphorus pentaoxide (fertilizer, detergent) and calcium chloride (thawing salt) to be diminished. The incomes from the sales of these two raw materials come thus still “above drauf” and improve thus the fantastischen profit prospects of the enterprise additionally!

    Introduce yourselves: The entire area Nolans Bore is worth AT LEAST 1 billion US Dollar. The stock exchange evaluation of the enterprise however is ridiculously small with up-to-date approximately 70 million US Dollar.

    I observe the raw material markets for many years daily, and can you insure that this enterprise is one of the last GENUINE beads in this sector. With so extremely shining profit prospects, HAVING it this value in your depot to have. Because I count in the coming years on a net yield of up to 1.000 per cent!

    Secure also such chances of winning and test yourselves you for 4 expenditures true prosperity at the favorable becoming acquainted with price of only one!
    A outstanding opportunity: The share noted at the moment with approximately 45 cent and has a real Potenzial of up to 4,95 euro.

    I wrote a completely detailed special analysis specially for you to this share, which you can call up now immediately!

    Please you hesitate no second, and invest you best immediately. Because only so you can use the lucrative time projection/lead opposite other investors!

    A net yield of up to 1.000 per cent - would you like to really do without it?
    According to my detailed analysis and different computations I proceed here from an extremely high net yield chance. And this share is not suitable under any circumstances only for speculative investors, but I recommend it to expressly also conservative investors as interesting admixture in your deposit of securities.

    Because here it concerns around no small, obskures enterprise, but a thoroughly solid mine enterprise with a secured occurrence at rare-earth metals, outstanding capital resources and very purposeful management.

    The visions are not only correct - also my charttechnische analysis results in: This share is a completely clear purchase! Best immediately - before the TRUE Potenzial and the WHOLE fantasy are published broadly behind this value in the relevant press!

    Excerpts from a BB-recommendation of 10.03.2007 05:39: 59 Western European standard time according to eingener statement:

    +++ prominent expert: Martin Stephan, one of the most successful raw material experts of Germany, writes you exclusively +++ highest Top net yields: With experienced security it obtains exclusive publication in few WEEKS dream net yields of 220%, 173%, 144% or 118% +++: Read its current secrettap +++
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