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  1. 5,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 50
    all valid how can someone actually put a $ value on something that
    1. that's just computer code... and being the first crypto it's already not the best computer code, just like the first car, aeroplane ,whatever, where not the best either
    2. how do you value something that was meant to be digital cash, and when that didn't work the BTC Maxis came up with " Store of Value" but if one tweet by Elon Musk can sink it's price ( as Elon did last year) where's the value?
    3 BTC does not earn a rate of return like cash can on deposit.... and as such I'd argue it cant be valued at all.

    so many crypto traders around the world are also using margin loans for their purchases and to date US$1 trillion has been lost on all cryptos.

    digital currency's will change the world, only need to see the white papers our Fed Gov have been doing in this area.... but like the railways, crypto may cost the original investors their shirts.

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