is the end of the internet...

  1. 7,404 Posts.

    this is the end of the internet as we know it.
    it is becoming seriously crippled
    what was once a good source of sharing and info, is being hijacked as a vehicle for propaganda and prescribed policy

    it is becoming like china if you do a search from there for images of the tank man.

    make wise choices while they are still available

    the owners of google, yahoo, twitter, facebook, apple and all other popular sites/mediums will fully sell out, since the owner's priority is money.

    the only real use for money is to enslave the entire planet

    the big players in the money market, just use the energy in the form of stupidity that we create through fear and greed - they really just provide a path for us to destroy ourselves.

    shortly i can see a cop pulling you over to do a data check, to see if they can meet their quota by busting you for the unauthorized listening to of music.

    i can list several other nightmarish authoritarian scenarios that are bound to happen if things continue the way they are, such as cars being factory fitted with tracking devices and the ability to be remotely disabled

    freedom is quickly vanishing

    the world is reaping the hell it has created

    the devil sends the beast with rothschild because he knows his time is short

    the HQ for the EU is in Brussels
    many years ago i was told that there was a computer in there nicknamed 'the beast'.

    if we hate, exploit or hurt our fellow earthlings on this planet and say that we love god (the cosmos, or whatever you want to call the ultimate being or beingness) then we are liars and we deceive ourselves.

    we reap what we sow, in more ways than most care to consider.

    capitalism and communism are just two faces of the same crooked coin.

    in times of old (as if 100 years is old in the history of the Earth), there was sometimes somewhere to run and hide
    no so now.

    indians lining up by the millions to be bio-metricized

    3rd rock from the sun - inhabited mostly by zombies

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