Get your flood boat ready., page-4

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I "googled" Indigo Jones and came up with a very interesting article, well worth a read. though i wouldn't recommend it to the climate change zealots as it may rock their cosy little world...

    One paragraph...

    "In the bigger picture, high sunspots give you a warmer climate and more rain. This runs from peak to peak of 1823 years. We are now going into lower sunspot cycles and colder climate. From 1645 to 1715, we had a mini ice age due to low or no sunspots. The Thames was frozen over at that time. This is the real global warmer and cooler, not the rubbish you hear from government, they are only pulpits to the Federal Reserve (the 13 richest families that own it). The whole cycle system takes 25,920 years to complete, why measure climate change over 20 years?"

    Says it all really...exactly what most intelligent people have been saying ever since this so called "climate" emergency was sprouted...

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