ITE i.t.& e limited

re: ite on the move ... aim code (ITE) it&e.....Reflection:So...

  1. 399 Posts.
    re: ite on the move ... aim code (ITE) it&e.


    So often we have a--- 'best'-- 'time line' scenario....

    Problem is that this pre-conceived time line.... is subject to human faliibility.... and that fallibility is also conncected to any link in any number of links in the chain of permutaions and combinations that make up the events and circumstances... surrounding 'best or predicted time lift off dates....(in terms of being achieved by xyz fixed day and date)--.

    An analogy I like is the Launch of a NASA Space Shiuttle....

    How many times , before they go to Countdown....10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, ...etc, etc... do they freeze that and go back to do some further Ground Control --'re-test' of some semi obscure' instrumentation reading....?

    Launch is often delayed by days and weeks....

    Chains of events can also change agendas and time preferences in terms of sequences of desired events... and windows of opportunity...

    Is this human fallibility normality; or is this abnormal rarity....?
    (2) Ought we to fear inactivity.... ??.... ie: Do not think..... even; if you are..... Full Time as an Investor; you HAVE TO...???--- to watch the market ticker or day or week short term trade....??

    There is no requirement to do this, and certainly I do not do this.

    There is imo a deep paradoxical irony.... and financially rewarding truth ....embedded in this; that works for me, at any rate.

    (3) Sometimes, imo, inactivity might appear or seems to be.... a poor decision for irrational reasons.

    Objectively it is often, imo The Best and Only good decision.

    In other words what the calculus will historically end up proving and the what the present tense mental emotions may dictate , often, imo,.... work in opposite & warring within the soul’s-- directions.

    This correspondent; would argue the former.....

    Ansd so we it&e watchers wait upon the good pleasure of the London Stock Exchange-- and reckon this is.... any day now, ....subject to the moral of the launching time of the Space Shuttle--

    Might be therefore Time.... for a little Story..... from the fire-side, here at the PUB ....

    A Hypothetical Story From The Pub.

    Once Upon a Time;

    .....Say a hypothetical investor, had bought 600, 000 it&e shares for 15 cents averaged out....

    The total investment was therefore ....say for example: $90K.

    And that hypothetical investor had a .... pre-set’ and pre-determined in her/his own inner consciousness of a ‘fair enuff’ ... >>> hoped for <<< (interesting conept that 'hoped for' concept...hmmmm....) .... mental Time lLne Goal.... of say mid January, or mid February or even..... God forbid, mid March/mid April, in which to exercise a substantial 100% ++ or even 230% ++ potential profit.....

    And this 'hoped for' situation was mentally exacerbated by the fact, that the hypothetical investor had to... (as we are all prone to need Cold Premium Crownies for basic life and death sustenance)-- “Slice off a wad of "Ham"-- ie of her/his shares every 2-3 weeks for her/his living requirements. ... so as to afford to live off just crownies....

    And of course; in the first one, two and three and four phases.....( or fortnights or months or whatever)-- , the slices of shares to raise living $$$$$---- Sold for her/his living purposes were at a much lower price ....than her/his Target price to maximize.... her/his..... potential realizable Profit.

    This type of situation,as enunciated above, is .... I suspect; a reality, perhaps.... for many Part and Full Time Investors and frankly is often perhaps..... a Commonly experienced situation, conundrum .... and/or..... psychological dilemna ....that can even become .... God forbid; a psychological Problemo.

    And so, to continue the little hypothetical story; ...... let us say the first tranche of...".. sold for living needs ..."..shares (for one’s own and family’s living purposes)-- is sold at only a annoying of 14 cents, the second at 17 cents, the third at 20 cents and the fourth at say 25 cents, the fifth at 27.5 cents, and the sixth at say 29 cents and the seventh at say 38 cents... etc etc etc...and so on.....— which have to be..".. sold for living needs ..." ....

    .....>>>... Before one starts to see .....a hypothetical say # 50 cents ----emerge as a realistic proposition .... to make the Desired Large Capital Gains.....

    Now let us say the living needs..... equaled—for example--- a total over the time period of: ## approx--??-- $30, 000 between now and say end of: say---- March-Mid April.....

    And say' for example; the average ‘sell off’ – ... (..".. sold for living needs ...")--- of one’s own initial purchased shares; in..... say a share like the hypothetical it&e (ITE) .... for those.... same.... ’ need to//have to actually LIVE Robbo....’ purposes" .....was......say..... 22 cents.

    (...I understand that, some..".. sold for living needs ...shares " might have been annoyingly SOLD..... as low as 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18 cents also of course, to become the average)....

    However, in this fictious story..... remember Uncle Maxie; , ; the first three or four sales of one’s own ..".. sold for living needs ..." shares (sell offs)-- will NOT feel (....interesting concept and word that; 'FEEL' ---) will not good, (not happy Jan feeling)-- in Fact will feel very awful..... indeed will feel annoying and frustrating.... and will NOT 'feel like' that 22 cents AVERAGE is going to be eventually achieved. (as the sell of pre profit taking is achieved). ......"..which were/are to be sold for living needs ..."

    Of course; in this sort of story..... there are other permutations and combinations to the above ... hypothetical story....and maybe... ???--- simplistic scenario....

    But in this story; there is maybe a nice litle kernel of a worthwhile and golden principle ....???--- still there ....and ....Just.....maybe even a seed of reality and realism and truth....
    ' maybe' well.....

    So then; we ‘slice off...... 'like a slices of Ham; ..........".. sold for living needs ..."......over say 3-4 months of a seems an eternity--- waiting period ..... $30, 000 (living money for the 3-5 months)-- divided by 22 cents AVERAGE— for living purposes....==

    This now.... equals in this case of our -..".. sold for living needs ..."- sell off of 136, 363 (ITE) Sold-- .".. sold for living needs ..."(TE) shares... which for the purposes of the story and to be a tad conservative; we will 'round up' to a sell of: 140, 000 hypothetical (ITE) shares.

    Now remember ‘Maxie’...., in this example, we began with: 600, 000 shares....which we bought at an average of say — 15 cents equaling a capital hypothetical paid up iniital investment of an initial $90, 000.

    And of course one can substitute another set of nominal 'different story' -- set of hypothetical numbers....

    So we now..... ‘only’ -- repeat -- ONLY --- have, now 600, 000 (ITE) shares-- minus the sold off 140, 000 (ITE) ..".. sold for living needs ..." hypothetical it&e shares for living purposes--- (or whatever the ASX code) which is hypothetically left; of our initial investment capital shares— in this case ... being now... a NET: 460, 00 (ITE) shares.

    The $64 dollar Story Book QUESTION is two (2) fold--- :

    (1) What was our initial investment... namely 600, 000 times ( x) .15 cents.??? Answer: = equals = $ 90, 000 . (in this hypothetical example).

    ***** (2) Now what is that (ITE) Investment hypothetically worth today/then......???

    Answer: 460,000 times (x) .50 cents.... and that figure is: $230, 000. ..

    How much did we start with...?

    Answer: $90, 000

    Now that is a $155K net .....real return, (and importantly net of the living
    costs of the $30, 000).....

    Grossed up.... to include the real living spend ..... ..".. sold for living needs ..."of $30K (which if you were working in a JOB—you would have to spend as well, the return was an extra $170K over and above the original capital of your hypothetical $90K invested.—(188%)....

    The Stories Possible Meaning...???:

    You now have $230K to re invest (repeat: 're-invest)--- all over again – and to compound;.... assuming (which I am not !!)-- if that is the right strategy for the particular investor, in question.

    But there are an enormous amount of issues (psychologically) which arise from this Pub Story... and many layers and strands of psychological armory that one needs.... (imo) consider equipping oneself with.

    ...... And that my frineds; might be another good story ....but.... for another day ....perhaps....

    Kindest Regards,

    Robbo .
    Views expressed in this opinion expressed on this Forum and Chat Site, as above are explicitly unwarranted, and expressed on a strictly: ‘Without Prejudice’ basis.. These views are only personal opinions and speculations, are not warranted, in any way whatsoever, either expressed or implied, for their accuracy or veracity. These opinions & correspondences, expressed in this email and/or on this internet site are only the writer’s tentative thoughts and opinions only. They are, nothing more than that. These views are not…. (Repeat: ‘not’ …)…to be read as being, or even forming any form whatsoever of investment recommendation, general or specific. Instead, they are just simply personal ideas and opinions, and to repeat, are NOT to be read or interpreted as financial advice. Furthermore, these expressed opinions here, are not warranted in any way whatsoever, either expressed or implied, for their accuracy, authenticity, or likely predictive outcome. Therefore, these comments are highly subjective and prejudiced by the writers own opinions, perceptions and outlook. As a result, these views may be prone to errors, as they are not official in any way, have not been checked by an authorized third party, and are possibly incomplete, ill informed and/or inaccurate. With this in mind, the author reminds readers that these opinions expressed here; are strictly on a “Without Prejudice” basis only. Remember readers, to read these opinions as just one of many expressed personal subjective thoughts and ideas, in the ‘common market-place of ideas’—and are only that. Readers must recognize that, as they are only one possible viewpoint among many, and therefore they are at best; only the author’s own highly subjective whimsical thoughts, impressions, and intuitions. You therefore ought not to rely upon these views for any form of advice or counsel. Instead, you are responsible for your own decisions. Readers must also note that, as with all expressed opinions, they are definitely open to discussion and refutation, as well as logical weighing and consideration of other alternative interpretations and viewpoints. For any investment decision, the writer urges readers to conduct their own independent and separate investigations and research, and always seek their own qualified and authorized third party independent financial advice.

    Kindest Regards,

    Robbo .

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