getting really tired, page-66

  1. 1,992 Posts.
    "Mainstream muslims do speak out against atrocities. Where is your evidence that they do not?"

    freewill better yet where is your evidence that they do? and i don't mean a few who are living in the west. i'm talking about a unified condemnation of these fools that commit these atrocities in the name of their god and state that they represent the islamic faith.

    but never one to shy from a discussion, here's my answer for you.

    where was the outcry from mainstream muslims about the slaughter of 19 christians in a church in iraq (freedom of religion, yea rite) or the attempted murder of jews in the united states by al-qaeda operatives?

    where is the outcry from the Islamic World, whose leaders insist that al-Qaeda does not represent the Islamic World?

    where is the outcry from the Arabs who are quick on the draw to denounce Israeli atrocities but seem dysfunctional when it comes to denouncing the killing of Christians and Jews?

    no arab, muslim or anyone for that matter should ever complain with the stereotype the west places on them as terrorists when any condemnation by "main stream muslims" is muted. no justice should be demanded for palestine while muslims remain silent on the atrocities commited against innocent people and the west. and i call the 5000 in the twin towers very innocent.

    not speaking out and condemning terrorists who identify themselves as muslims is a shame on the entire muslim world.
    muslims who do not speak out forcefully and convincingly against this growing wave of anti-western and anti-Christian assaults is a true example of haram, the arabic word for sin.

    your post above is useless in the fact that you took one very small part of the discussion to highlight that a few countries in the west didn't back the sanctions oppossed due to the appartheid. i can post statistic after statistic of the west giving material and financial aid to many countries some muslim. can you give any statistics showing islamic funded aid to anywhere?

    and freewill before you re-post have a look at the previous posts so that you get an actual idea about what we are discussing.

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