getting to heavy on this site, page-3

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103
    Sorry Chartsuk,

    I should of checked with you beforehand. And silly me to think that there is more to market analysis than just hanging around on investment bulletin boards just waiting for your ship to sail on in.

    The penny has finally dropped?

    Well, I suggest you bend over and pick it up young fella and then use it to fund further training in the Fundamental Analysis of International Economics. Then maybe you might polish up on your Global History and then you start to begin to fathom that the ASX and the Australian economy does not exist in a vacuum.

    I realise the investment analysts, experts and so-forth you see on your TV every morning and evening are telling you different. I understand that everyone from David Koch to Terry McCrann, from Domonic DeSousa to Mr Koehler on ABC are saying and telling you that the worst is over and we'll at worst see the market plateau throughout this year.

    But matey pokes, let me tell you all once again. I think they have a vested interest in perpetuating this bullish bubble. Comprendae amigo?

    And what do you mean you don't come here for advice like the above? While my techniques aren't akin to those I mentioned above (and I should hope not - I am a straight shooter), I ionly posted two weeks ago my only two screaming BUYS in this current market.

    For you, and for others, to save you the arduous exercise of clicking back through my previous posts, I'll attempt to steer you in the right direction once again.

    Now look below young Gen Y boy (am I right or am I right, lol:)

    I said BUY - OSH (that would be OilSearch) - and please do not be fooled by the name. Two weeks ago it was trading at $3.84. And today they are $. And as I posted before the insto's started buying, which was lated reiterated and targeted by OSH's CEO (and was posted on this board to last week), I have a conservative 6 month target of $10 and a conservative 24 month target of $20. Why so high you say? Think CHina and LNG pipeline mate. I know that means thinking outside of Australia, but you'll have to trust me on this one, ok? What other choice do you have? You seem to be quite inexperienced at this game, and afterall, that is what you are here for isn't be tipped winners?

    I also said BUY - BHP - Yep, the good 'ole Broken Hill Propriatery Limited (betm you didn't know that's what the acronym stood for now buggaluggs, heh? See, your learning lots today:) Well, again, it was a couple of dollars cheaper a couple of weeks ago. Please see relevant post. Now this puppy Chartsuk, it's a global paly as well, so it may not be a suitable stock for you either. Too many exogenous factors to think about. And, it helps if you can think about them all aty once and just imagine the potential yet to be realised here. But idf you are prepared to try, I'm prepared to help you. That's just the type of guy I am...........loveable:) O.K shaggs? We know how chronicly diversified BHP has become and how much clout they've had since hoppinto bed with Bill from the UK, yes? And we also know that a couple of years ago they trumped Xstrata's bid for Olympic Dam (via a takeover of WMC) didn't they? I know you probably already bought this one ages ago and are prepared to do what I am doing. Just filing it away, preferably in a fire proof safe (because it's going to be one long hot Summer) and forget about it. Sure, it will take China the next 10 years to build their (at least) 25 Nuclear Power Plants, but by then, everyone else will be wanting to BUY your shares. Understand the fundamentals yet young fella? And notwithstanding or considering the 3 mines policy will ultimately be canned for the greater good of greed, the doubling in size of the current Olympic Dam operations should well and truly kick along BHP's earnings potential. Not to mention that Australia's (at analysts best guess) have at least 40% of the planet's known Uranium resources. And guess who has also boxed up the leases and rights to the rmeaining and likely ground where probably another 20% will come from? Good fella, very clever:) My conservative target on this dividend paying machine is $100/share in 5 years and $200/share in 10 years. Got that good buddy?

    O.K, so there is oneare two really good quality investment plays for you. So quickly, grab the dog'n'bone, ring up your broker and BUY, BUY, BUY.

    Afterall, if not for that, what are you doing on here?

    I do not under normal circumstances giveaway my hard earnt and learnt knowledge, but when I see young, frustrated and obviously un-savvy beginners like yourself stumbling around on HotCopper, I feel it is my duty to assist you in the learning process.

    I could wind up by trooting out some technical analysis bull twat, p/e's and so-forth based on future earnings and balh, blah, blah. I could also invite you to join my 'special group of special people' and you would of had this same info a month ago along with my suggestion to buy a little every week for the next few months on the dips. But hey, considering where I feel the market is headed, you still have every chance to get in a bragain abasement prices.

    So go forth young buck and prosper. Fullfil your purpose for being hitch a free ride while offering zip in return.

    Like I said, I'm just a lovely guy:)

    Now that's heavy hitting Chartsuk, lol:)

    'You can either choose to lead, or risk becoming a follower'.

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